Chapter Twenty Four

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The boys were quick to pick up charlie and got her back to there hotel room. Sam led her to the bed with her eyes closed while dean rushed in behind them with Liddy. He put her down and started covering every reflective surface he could find. Jumped up and started helping dean. Liddy looked around and picked up her little blanket and walked over to Charlie. She started trying to toss it up on her but each time it fell down. Out of no where a force lifted the blanket like wind. It flowed and gently fell over Charlie, covering her. Liddy smiled at getting her blanket over her.

When the boys finally finished getting every reflective surface covered they turned toward Charlie and Liddy. They were both shocked when they saw her blanket draped over Charlie. It was impossible for her to have managed that but somehow she had. Dean's mouth hung open " No you couldn't." He was tripping over his words as Liddy smiled at him, proud of herself.

Sam moved passed Liddy, to Charlie. He sat down beside her "hey, it's ok. You can open up your eyes now Charlie. It's ok. Alright?" Charlie finally started peaking out. Liddy watched but stayed back because she new sad Mary was very angry at Charlie. Sam kept trying to reassure charlie "now, listen. Your gonna stay right here, on this bed."

Dean finished covering everything and was looking around one last time when Liddy grabbed his leg pointing to a tiny clock with a really small reflection. Dean patted her head and quickly covered it. He walked back to Liddy and picked her up kissing her cheek. He was really proud of her helping. She's just a baby but did so much in his eyes.

They both turned to watch Sam talking to Charlie "and you're not gonna look at glass or anything else that has a reflection ok? Now, as long as you do that, she can not get you." Charlie was really scared "but I can't keep that up forever. I'm gonna die, aren't I?"

She charlie said this, it scared liddy. She turned her face and buried her head into deans neck. He bounced her quietly, trying to keep her calm while they handle things with charlie. Sam looked at Charlie sad "no..... no...not any time soon."

Dean finally sat down beside Charlie and adjust Liddy in his arms so she could still cuddle him. "Alright, Charlie. We need to know what happened." He watched charlie rick back and forth. It was making Liddy more nervous as well so he tighten his hold and made it down Liddy couldn't see charlie.

"We were I the bathroom. Donna said it." Charlie started saying but dean cut her off "that's not what we're talking about. Something happened, didn't it? In your life. A secret. Where someone got hurt. Can you tell us about it?" Dean looked at Sam as they could see the look on Charlie's face. They needed to know even if it was hard for her. Dean just wished Liddy didn't have to hear this but there was nothing that could be done.

It was hard but Charlie finally started speaking "I had this boyfriend. I loved him.... but he kind of scared me too, you know? And one night... at his house, we got into this fight... and I broke up with him. And he got upset, and he said he needed me..... and he loved me....and he said ....'Charlie, if you walk out that door right now, I'm gonna kill myself.'..... and you know what I said?.....I said 'go ahead'....and I left. How could I say that?how could I leave him like that? I just.... I didn't believe him, you know? I should have."

They boys watched her sadly and she began to cry. Dean felt really bad for her. What she didn't wasn't really bad. Yes the man died but he did it to himself. He was manipulating her. The relationship was just as toxic for her as it was for him. His thoughts were interrupted by Liddy shifting to cuddle more into him, clearly upset even if she didn't really understand what was said.

Sam put his hand on Charlie's shoulder "look, we're gonna go and we're gonna stop this thing. Just keep your head down, don't look at anything. We will be as quick as we can ok. It's gonna be ok." Dean watched Sam closely seeing another emotion in Sam, but he couldn't figure it out yet. They quickly rushed out the door. Dean got Liddy buckled in and they quickly headed off to where they knew the mirror was.

As they drove, dean brought up what charlie told them " you know, her boyfriend killing himself, that's not really Charlie's fault." Sam didn't bother to even look at him "you know as well as I do spirits don't exactly see shades of grey. Dean, Charlie had a secret, someone died. That's good enough for Mary." Dean shrugged not gettting what Sam was really saying "I guess."

Sam took a deep breath "you know, I've been thinking. It might not be enough to just smash that mirror." Dean wasn't sure where Sam was going with this "why? What do you mean?" Sam started explaining "well, Mary's hard to pin down.i mean She moves around from mirror to mirror. So who's to say that she's not just gonna keep hiding in them forever?"

It finally clicked what Sam was saying to do as he continued "so maybe... we should try to pin her down. You know, summon her to her mirror. and then smash it." Dean wasn't to sure about this "well how do you know that's gonna work?" Sam shrugged "I don't. Not for sure."

Dean clicked to what Sam was planing "well, who's gonna summon her?" He looked at Sam suspiciously. Liddy was watching from the back seat, not liking anything they were talking about. She didn't want her brothers anywhere near sad Mary. She felt really angry.

Sam didn't bother to even look at Dean "I will....." Dean shook his head frustrated with his brother as Sam continued "she'll come after me." Dean shook his head again "alright, you know what, that's it!" Dean quickly pulled over, making Liddy squeak.

Dean turned to face Sam while also putting his hand over the back seat to liddy, knowing they yelling would most likely upset her but this needed to be done. "This is about Jessica, isn't it?" Sam didn't answer. Dean didn't give up "you think that's your dirty little secret? That you killed her somehow? Sam, this has gotta stop man. I mean, the nightmares and calling her name out in the middle of the's gonna kill you. Now listen to me. It wasn't your fault. If you wanna blame something, then blame the thing that killed her. Hell, why don't you take a swing at me. I mean I'm the one that dragged you away from her in the first place."

Sam finally turned to dean "I don't blame you." Dean stared right back "well then you shouldn't blame yourself. Cause There's nothing you could have done." Sam didnt look away even as Liddy started crying "I could've warned her." Dean said back "about what? You didn't know what was going to happen! And besides, all of this isn't a secret. I mean, I know all about it. It's not gonna work with Mary." Liddy looked at Sam knowing what he was hiding.

Sam looked away "no you don't." Dean didn't like that "I don't what?" "You don't know all about it. I haven't told you everything." Dean watched him carefully "what are you talking about?" Sam snarked back "well it wouldn't really be a secret if I told you, would it?" Dean was frustrated with him. After everything they had been through and he was gonna be like this? "No... I don't like it. It's not gonna happen. Forget it."

Sam sighed "Dean, that girl back there is going to die...unless we do something about it. And you know what? Who knows how many more people are gonna die after that. Now, we're doing this.  You've got to let me do this." Dean didn't like it. Not one bit.

He decided not to say anything more to Sam and turned back to Liddy who was now crying her eyes out. "Shush baby girl. It's ok. The fight is over. We have to go stop Mary now ok? Can you calm down for me? I know you upset but it's gonna be ok." She settles down to just sniffles looking at him. His head broke.

He turned back and they started driving off. He said just loud enough for Sam to hear "one more thing. You take your anger or frustration out on our baby sister one more time..... Im gonna beat your ass. Family or not. She comes first...." Sam realised dean was right. He had been taking this out on her and he felt really bad about it. As soon as this case was done he was gonna make it up to her.

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