Chapter Twenty Two

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They pulled up outside of a park. Sam got out quick and started rushing towards where someone was sitting, Dean rolled his eyes again and quickly got out with Liddy still clinging to him, before following after there brother. Once dean caught up to sam, he noticed the girl sitting was the same girl they had met at the shoemaker funeral. Donna's friend, Charlie.

She was crying and shaking. Liddy looked at her sadly knowing the Mary lady had gotten her friend. Dean moved over to sit up on the back of the seat with Liddy on his knee, her arms still wrapped tightly around his neck, refusing to let go.

It didn't take love for Charlie to start telling them what had happened. "And then they found her in the bathroom floor. And her..... her eyes. They were gone." Sam watched the girl sadly "I'm sorry." She looked back up at the brothers "and she said it. I heard her say it.... but it couldn't be because of that....I'm insane... right?"

Sam didn't say anything so dean stepped in quickly "no, your not insane." She shook her head looking down "god, that makes me feel so much worse." Sam spoke up "look...... we think somethings happening here."

Dean watched his brother annoyed that he would tell the truth so quickly. Usually they tried to hide this stuff from people if they didn't need to know, protect them from being haunted by knowing what's really out there.

Sam continues "something that can't be explained" since dean couldn't change that he told her the truth he went along with it "and we're gonna stop it. But we could use your help." She noded. "We need to see her room, we're she died. There may be clues that no one else knows how to look for. Think you can get us in?" She thought about it then nodded.

She stood up and they all walked over to the car. Charlie got in the back seat next to Liddy's car seat. Dean opens the other door and try's to put her in but she still won't let go. He sighed "Liddy, Bub I need you to sit in your seat. It's dangerous for me to hold you while driving. I promise as soon as we get there I'll pick you right back up. Please?"

Liddy looked up at him with glossy eyes but slowly noded and let go. Dean buckled he finished and kissed her head. Charlie smiled at the interaction. Not fully expecting to see shush a soft side form the hunky man.

Once they were all in, she gave them directions and they headed towards her friends house. Once there, they let Charlie out so she could go in first. Sam and dean got out, grabbing a couple things from the boot. Dean made Sam carry it so he could grab Liddy. Liddy pretty much flung herself at Dean the minute he unbuckled her. He was worried about her since she usually never got scared so badly like this.

They snuck around the house and climbed up onto the second story roof. The located the room and waiting for Charlie to come in and unlock it. It didn't take long, they saw Charlie slipped into the room and comes straight to them, letting them in.

Charlie helps dean climb through a bit more carefully since he was carrying Liddy. Once they were in they tried to be quick but quiet. Sam turns to Charlie "what did you tell jill's mum?" Charlie was still feeling odd about everything "I just said I needed some time alone with jill's pictures and things."

Dean tried to quietly closed the window behind them, he whispered to Liddy "bubs, can I put you down for a couple seconds while I help sammy search? I'm not leaving the room." She nodded and he kissed her check before putting her down. He stood back up and closed the curtain, then leaded Liddy closed to the bed. "Stay right here ok?" She nodded silently again.

Charlie held her head "I hate lying to her." Dean patted her shoulder " trust us, it's for the greater good. Hit the lights." Charlie quickly went and turned the lights off. The scared little a bit more as she remembers seeing sammy's dream. He reached over and grabs deans leg. He pattered her head as he grabbed a few things out of there bag. He knew she was scared but they needed to be quick.

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