Chapter Thirty Two

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Dean sat looking at the laptop with Liddy on his knee. He was feeding her bites of her fruit every couple of minutes as she watched him work. Today she was in a good mood and pretended to help dean by scribbling swirls on a piece of paper every time dean wrote something down.

Dean saw Sam walking back over to them out the corner of his eye and called out to him " your uh, half caf double vanilla latte's getting cold over here Francis" Liddy nodded as she looked up at Sam as if to say she agreed. Sam smiled at her as he took his seat and replied to dean "bite me."

Dean doesn't even look up from what he's doing as he holds out another piece of fruit. Liddy happily bites it off the fork and scribbled some more. "So find anything?" Dean asked. Sam shook his head "I had them check the FBI's missing persons data bank. No John doesn't fitting dad's description." The minute Sam mentioned there dad, Liddy froze and opened her mouth while she still had food in her mouth letting it fall out onto dean's leg.

Dean sighed and kissed her head as he grabbed a napkin to while his knee as Sam continued "I even ran his plates for traffic violations." Dean knew that wouldnt make their dad happy "Sam, I'm telling you, I don't think dad wants to be found." When dean said this Liddy turned around to face him as he bottom lip poked out sadly. Dean sighed and kissed her forehead then started bouncing his knee to try and keep her from getting worked up. He knew she wanted to find their dad really badly. And she couldn't really understand everything going on.

Dean looked back at Sam to see him sulking as well. He felt like he was baby sitting two toddlers instead of one. He turned the laptop so sam could see it "check this out. It's a news item out of plains courier, ankeny, Iowa. It's only about 100 miles from here." Sam looked and stared reading the article "The mutilated body was found near the victims car parked on nine-mile road."

Dean tried to get Liddy to eat more of her food while Sam read. He said "keep reading" as he held up her favourite, a piece of rockmelon. Sam continued reading "authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole witness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible."

Dean smiled as he finally got Liddy to start eating again and turned his head to Sam "could be something interesting." Sam brushed it off "or it could be nothing. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything, doesn't mean it's the invisible man." Dean didn't care "but what if it is? Dad would check it out. What do you think bub's. Should be check it out?"

Liddy turned to Sam and nodded "ya, dada go. Kook." They both frown when she said the last word. Dean shook his head, knowing she still got words wrong so he brushed it off to nothing. They finished up their food. Dean made sure she was still in a clean nappy and had some snacks for the road and they headed off. With Liddy attempting to sing the words to the music but it was more just jumbled and made up words.


After a long drive they finally pulled up infront of a frat house. There were guys out the front working on a crappy car as the brothers got out. Dean got Liddy out and let her down so she could walk in front of him. When they got to the front of the car, Sam asked "one more time, why are we here?" Dean looked around but also tried to keep Liddy in his sight as he answered "victim lived here."

Sam looked down at Liddy "and Liddy being out with us is gonna help us blend in how?" Dean didn't bother to answer him as one guy rolled out from under the car. It looked fun to Liddy. She was about to run over to the wheels thing but dean knew her to well and help onto the hood of her jacket.

Dean watched the guy get up and look at them oddly so he said "nice wheels." The others all looked back at them with odd looks. Dean felt uncomfortable "we're your fraternity brothers. From Ohio.... we're new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay." The one guy looked at Liddy and raise an eyebrow "oh don't worry about her, just watching her for a couple outs. Baby sister." The guy shrugged and led this inside. He left them and went back to the car. Dean made sure not to let Liddy wander off as they looked around the house. They tried to find the victims room mate. They came to a door where a kid was painting himself blue.

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