Chapter Twenty Eight

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It was early the next morning and Liddy felt herself being shaken awake. It scared her and she started to cry. Dean woke up and noticed what had happened "god damn it sammy. Why did you have to do that. Now she's gonna be cranky all day." Sam shrugged "oh well. We'll deal with it. Come on. We've got work to do. I want to go back to the crime scene." Dean looked at the clock then growled.

"Dude come on. I already got breakfast." Sam said as he started moving around the room. Liddy was still crying from being woken up. Dean sat up and pulled her to his chest "shush Bub. It's ok. I know, mean sammy woke you up but your ok. Come on, calm down. Shuuush" it took a couple of minutes but she finally calmed down to only sniffles.

Dean got up with her and walked to the bathroom to get them both ready. Since she was in a bad mood now thanks to sam, dean let her wear a onesie again. When they exited the bathroom Sam looked over to see her in a onesie again and rolled his eyes. Dean pointed at him "this one is on you. You don't wake a toddler by shaking them. It scares the crap out of them. All you had to do was wake me up and she would have eventually woken up naturally in the car. You really need to learn how to deal with her."

"Ok fine I'm sorry but come on. I really want to check something out." Sam was impatient and new dean was going slow on purpose. Dean and Liddy we're finally ready. They walked out to the car and dean got Liddy buckled in. He kissed her head seeing she still was poking her bottom lip out. He got in the front and Sam handed him a coffee and tried to give Liddy stuff in the back but she wouldn't take it. "Just let her settle. She'll have it in a bit." Sam turned back around and they headed off the Zach's.


They pulled up and Sam was the first to quickly jump out. Liddy was still sleeping in the back seat so dean decided to leave her to sleep more. He got out and closed the door making sure it was locked before walking around to Sam "alright. So, what are we doing here at 5:30 in the morning?" Sam looked around before turning to dean "I realised something. The video tape shos the killer going in, but not coming out."

Dean sips his coffee still trying to wake up and make sense of what Sam is saying "so he came out the back door?" Sam nods as he walks around looking for clues "right. So there should be a trail to follow.  A trail the police would never pursue."

Dean nods in realising "because they think the killer never left. They caught your friend Zach inside....I still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning. Liddy needed a good night sleep in a bed, not a car" he mumbles the last part while leaning against his car drinking his coffee.

He looked over at Sam and noticed him looking at something. Sam turned to dean "blood. Somebody came this way." Dean still wanting to just go back and sleep "maybe the trail ends. I don't see anything over here." He looks around him. But can't see anything.

Sam turns when he hears a siren and looks around to see where it's coming from. Dean noticed to but got distracted by the tapping coming from the window. He looked back to see a sleepy looking Liddy waving at him. He goes over to the door and opens it, helping her to climb down as she rubs at her eyes. "Morning bub. You sleep ok?" Liddy is still just waking up so all she does is nod and hold onto his hand.

As they walk back around to the other side of the car, they see an ambulance driving up and passed them. Both brothers watch is pass and look at each other. "Come on Bub, keep up." Dean says as he keeps a hold of kiddy's hand as they walk down to see where the ambulance had stopped.

When they get there, they see a hole heap of people all gathered around and whispering. There's police and ambulance's around and the police a putting up crime scene tape. Dean walks up to a women jogger who had stopped. Sam follows close behind and helps make sure Liddy was keeping up.

Dean asks the women "what happened?" The women answers "he tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her." Sam turned to her, stunned at how familiar it sounded to Zach's case. He was right. There really was something going on.

The women nodded and continued "yeah, I used to see him going to work in the morning. He'd wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy." They all watched at the police placed the guy they had hand cuffed into the back of a police car. Dean turned to Sam and they nodded. Sam walked off to go look around back to see if he could find a blood trail or any clues of someone leaving out the back.

Dean took Liddy with him to find out some more details. He talked to a few people and even some cops before he picked Liddy up to go find sam quickly to tell him what he found out. They spotted Sam coming out from behind the building. "Hey, remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem? Definitely our kind of problem." Liddy nodded along making dean smirk at her.

Sam wanted to know "what did you find out?" Liddy squirmed to get down as dean and Sam talked. Dean let her down but kept an eye on her as she looked at things around them. "I just talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene and  who heard this guy Alex's story. Apparently this dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked."

Sam replies quickly knowing they where finally on to something "so he was in two places at once?" Dean nodded "exactly. Then he see's himself in the house. Police think he's a nut job." Sam tries to think of what could be doing this "two dark doubles attacking loved ones in exactly the same way." Sam started walking around.

Dean turned around to keep talking to Sam "could be the same thing doing it." That clicks for Sam "shape shifter? Something that could make itself look like anyone?" Dean shrugged "every culture in the world has a shape shifter lore. Legends of creatures who transform themselves into animals or other men." Sam nods "right, skin walkers, werewolves." Dean nods along "we've got two attacks within blocks of each other. I'm guessing we've got a shapeshifter problem in the neighbourhood."

Sam tried to think it all through to make sense "let me ask you this. In all this shapeshifter lore. Can any of them fly?" Sam continues to look around because he can't figure out how it's getting around. Dean thought hard but couldn't remember anything "not that I know of." Sam explains "I picked up a trail here. Someone ran out of the back of this building, headed off this way."

Dean followed Sam's line of sight "just like your friends house." Sam sighed "yeah, and just like at  Zach's house the trail suddenly ends. I mean what every it is just disappears." Dean looked around and noticed Liddy looking down at a man hole cover and poking it with a stick she picked up. Deans mind clicked "well there's another way to go. Down." Sam looked down and around and then noticed Liddy poking the man hole cover with a stick.

They both walked over to her and looked down into the darkness. Sam looked at Liddy then at dean "well this is going to be interesting, how do we do this with Liddy?" Dean tried to think of something but he didn't want to leave her in the car with this thing running around "she's gonna have to come with us. It's too dangerous to leave her alone." Sam sighed not really wanting to take her down there.

They moved out of sight to another man hole cover so no one would see them going down. They quickly opened it and dean started to climb in. Once he was on the Liddy properly he called to Liddy "baby girl. Come here. Spider monkey time. Can you hold on tight?" Liddy nodded and poked her tongue out the side of her mouth in concentration as she gripped tightly to deans neck and he started climbing down with Sam rolling them closely.

Sam closed the cover as dean looked back and forth to see if her could see any signs but nothing yet. Sam got down and looked around as well "I bet this runs right by Zach's house too. The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around."

Dean noticed something and pulled kiddy's head to his neck so she didn't see it "I think your right." He walked over and pulled out his flip knife. Sam walked over quickly and drabbed Liddy from Dean so she wasn't close to it. Dean kneeled "look at this" he used his knife to to lift up some of the blood slime.

Sam questioned having never seen anything like it "is this from his victims?" Dean looked closely and something popped into his head "you know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape, maybe it sheds." Liddy scrunch's you her face "ikky" Sam kissed her head "yeah Bub, ikky. That is sick."

They both stood up and dean turns to his siblings "ok we can't be down here unarmed to take this thing on. Let's go back up and get some weapons." Sam nodded and they made there way back up to the car.

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