Chapter Thirty Eight

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Dean carried Liddy and kissed her cheek and she pointed at the balloon's as they walked up to the front door. He whispered to her "you hungry bub? I'm kinda hungry for a little BBQ. How about you?" Even though she didn't know what bbq was, if dean liked it, she wanted it so she nodded quickly. Dean smirked and looked up to see Sam shaking his head at them "what? We can't talk to the locals?" Sam shook his head again and smirked seeing right through dean "the free food's got nothing to do with it?" Dean looked away from Sam "of cause not. I'm a professional. I just thought while we investigate, I can get some food into this little monkey." Sam smirked since he knows she doesn't know what it is and might not actually be able to eat it "right....."

They looked around and noticed all the houses looked pretty much the same. Dean got the shivers "growing up in a place like this would freak me out." Liddy nodded "ya, too." She said as she pointed to her self. Sam smirked at the pair "why?" Dean looked at him like he couldn't believe he had to explain it "the manicured lawns, the 'how was your day, honey?'.. I'd blow my brains out." Dean smirked as Liddy shook her head "icky." Sam shook his head at the pair "there's nothing wrong with normal. It would actually be really good for Liddy."

Dean didn't agree at all "I'd take our family over normal any day." He smiled down at Liddy and kissed her cheek. They stopped in front of the door and knocked, both putting on a fake smile. The door opened quickly, making Liddy jump a little in deans arms. He bounced her lightly as the man who answered the door addressed them "welcome." Dean smiled at the man "is this the BBQ?" The man nodded "yeah. Not the best weather, but.... I'm Larry pike, the developer here. And you are?" He held ha]is hand out to shake the boys hands and smiled at Liddy but she just got shy and hid her face in deans neck.

Dean shook his hand first "Dean, this is Sam. And this little cutie is Lydia." The man smiled at them "sam, dean. Good to meet you. So you two are interested in oasis plains?" Dean nodded "yes sir." But Larry clearly had gotten the wrong idea about the boys "let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, reigion, colour or.... sexual orientation. And this is a great place to raise this little one with loving parents." He continued to smiled at the boys.

It took them a couple of seconds to realise what he was saying to them. Dean quickly stepped in while Sam tried to not laugh "we're brothers and sister." But it didn't seem like he fully believed them so sam backed dean up "our fathers getting on in years. We're looking for a place for him." Dean heard Liddy whisper "no old." Dean just patted her back, hoping she would stay quiet and not blow their cover.

Larry finally understood the boys were telling the truth about being brothers "great, great. Well, seniors are welcome too. Come on in." He waved them inside and led them through the house and out the back. The boys continued to take everything in just in case something stood out. Sam said " this is fabulous. You said you were the developer?"

Larry nodded "18 months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels." Liddy's head shot up from deans shoulders and started looking for the squirrels "wa?" Dean smirked at that being what got her attention. Larry laughed lightly and continued his speech "you know what? We built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in oasis plains. This is my wife, Joanne."

Larry introduces a women as she walks up to them smiling. Dean smiled as she greets them. Larry whispers to her "tell them how much you love the place honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses." Sam tried to laugh at his joke. But dean was slightly distracted by Liddy "where surl?" She kept looking around. Dean kissed her cheek "sorry bub, no squirrels here right now, I'll find you some later." Larry excused himself while dean was distracted and Joanie smiled at there interaction and how cute liddy's little pout was now that she was told there weren't any squirrels.

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