Chapter 26

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🍕I'm trying🍕

I slip the photo into my back pocket and wipe my face.

"There you are! Show's about to start, you ready?" Dean asks as he jogs down the hallway.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks when he reaches me, running his thumbs over my cheeks.

"I'm fine." I smile.

Oh my fucking god.

"Okay. Great. Let's go." He smiles, dragging me to the rest room.

When it's our turn to go out, the Shield's theme comes on and we walk out to the ring, awaiting our opponents.

Brie and Daniel step out and we start off the match with me and Brie.

I tackle her to the ground firstly and drag her away from Daniel.

Dean pounds the ropes as I struggle in hitting a DDT.

I cover but she kicks out at 2.

I walk to Dean and tag him in.

I watch their bouncy fight from the side, cheering him on.

"Finish her off." He mumbles as he tags me back in.

She gets a kick at me and I duck, grabbing her leg and flipping her over.

I throw her into the ropes and clothesline her.

She falls to her knees and I yank her up, performing the Ticking Heart.

The crowd roars as I grin, backing up into the corner ropes.

Dean encircles me in his arms and I stick mine out and taunt her.

She huffs and looks ready to pounce as Dean slides out of the ring.

She runs at me and I dodge, her landing in between the second and third rope.

Daniel helps her out of the corner as I laugh, backing away from the ring crazily.

We go up the ramp and I take a breath.

"God, it's exhausting." I sigh.

"Very." Dean wipes the sweat off his face.

"You did good, though." He smiles, bringing me into a hug.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I think it's better if you get a shower." I smirk.

"Care to join me?" He grins.

"I think that'd be counterproductive but maybe another time." I smile.

"Alright." He huffs jokingly and walks to his locker room.

I sit on the couch and ponder.

I pull the photo out and examine it once again.


Very strange.

It was taken the day he proposed...

He was with me the whole day.


"Hey what's that?" Roman asks as he approaches from behind me.

"Nothing. Nothing." I rush, shoving it in my pocket.

"Alright then." He laughs, plopping on the couch next to me.

I ring my hands and tap my foot quickly.

"Why are you so nervous." He asks.

Because the love of my life is cheating on me.

"I'm not." I giggle.

"Just energetic." I lie.

"I'm going to go get changed-" I say, walking back to my locker room.

"Have fun." He waves and I wave back.

I wonder through the hallways once again and the cunt comes back.

"You're probably hurt. I'm sorry about that. The moment my boys told me I told you. Just. Keep in mind what matters." Bray hands me another neater folded up photo.

"Don't open it now. Wait till tonight. You know where I am when you need me." He pats my head and I quickly rush to the locker room, shoving the photo in my bag and getting dressed.

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