Chapter 20

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🍕This isn't a dream. I've literally read every good wattpad story there is help.🍕


I'm on the floor when I awake.

The sound is blurry and when it clears I hear a high pitched screaming.

I realize it's me.

I clench my teeth and scream.

Tears stream down my face.

I feel dry and wet tear streaks on my cheeks.

I look at my hands and they shake wildly.

I close my eyes and rock into my knees, grasping onto sanity.

I begin hyperventilating and the atmosphere around me begins to appear.

I sniffle into my knees, wiping my tears away with the fabric of my leggings.

I feel soft hands on my back, stroking up and down.

"Shhh." The voices gently say.

"You're going to be alright." Dean whispers.

"Everything is okay. Everything is going to be okay." He assures quickly.

I unclench my body and throw myself at him.

He catches me and I cry into his shoulder, sitting on his lap.

He pats my hair down smoothly.

"It's okay. I love you. You're going to be okay. I love you. Lilly. I love you. Darling, you'll be okay. I love you." He quickly whispers as I wet his shoulder with my tears.

He kisses the side of my face softly, continuing to whisper I love you.

I begin to sniffle and he picks me up, my legs around his waist and my hands clasped around his neck tightly.

My head rests on his chest and I close my eyes, sniffling slower.

He settles into bed and awkwardly pulls the blanket over us.

He lays flat and I fall to the side, resting my head on his chest as he places his arm around my securely, pulling me into him.

My legs tangle in his and he sighs.

I finish the last of my sniffles and wipe my face with my hand.

I close my eyes and rest against his chest, falling back asleep quickly.

My dreams decide to be inactive.

I wake up to his alarm clock, beeping annoyingly.

I groan and roll over into his chest while he slaps it.

"It's 7:00" he says.

I just groan.

"Five more minutes. Or hours." I moan.

"Cmon." He laughs, pulling me up.

"Get dressed comfortable." He tells me as I scoot off the bed.

I pull my shirt off deludedly and he looks over.

"Don't get horny, boy. It's work time." I smirk and he laughs, turning over.

I open the drawer and find exercise shorts.

I slip my leggings off and put new undergarments on, as well as the shorts.

I hunt around for my shirts and open the drawer.

My normal shirts are to the side, but a seemingly new batch are on the other.

I pull one out questionably and unfold it.

It's a fucking band shirt.

They all are.

Oh my god.

I grin massively as I throw them all out on the bed.

"Dean!" I exclaim and he turns around.

He's shirtless and his belt is slacking.

I attack him and hug him tightly, kissing the side of his face over and over again.

"You did this?" I ask and he nods.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." I grin and jump from his arms onto the bed.

"I've got band shirts!" I yell and he laughs.

"Thank you so much." I hug him again and dab his lips.

"It's no problem. Sorry if the sizing is shitty." He shrugs.

"I wouldn't even care if they were. They seem perfect." I tell him, going through them.

"Good. Now get a shirt on, this is hard on me." He says and I blush and grin.

"You too, darling." I laugh and pick out a Bring me the horizon exercise tank and pull it over myself.

He pulls over a wife beater and changes into long shorts while I dress in sneakers and tie my hair back.

"How do you still look gorgeous." He asks as I stand on the bed, hugging him.

I look down.

"I don't." I mumble and grin.

"Yes. Yes you do. As always."

I shake my head and dab his lips.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." He whispers back as he picks me up on his hips and I squeal.

He opens our door and runs out, me laughing softly.

Seth is laying on the couch, flicking through the channels.

"C'mon, jackass." Dean hurries him and I avoid eye contact, the dreams becoming prominent.

Roman appears out of his room and stares at the ground glumly.

Seth is still in pajamas and we drink black coffee while he dresses.

I flinch at the taste and swallow the stingy beverage.

Roman and Dean don't seem to mind and we all stare into space tiredly.

When Seth appears, we slowly make our way to the gym.

Dean takes me into one of the back rooms and teaches me how to do several moves.

"Wrestlings good. And fun. It gave me life when I needed it most." He tells me as he watches me try to scissor kick him.

"Gave?" I huff, out of breath and sprinting at him again.

He flips me in front of him.

"Yeah. Now I have you." He says as he pulls me close.

He kisses the top of my head before swiping my legs out, making me fall to my knees.

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