Chapter 3

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🍕Who else cried at this photo^ imagine the hell this little guy went through. That's my heart breaking.🍕

Leave my bastard soul.

I awake to Bray getting out of bed.

"Bray. Cmon. Hurry." Abigail hurries him in a whisper.

I see him grab our dads fedora and put it on before rushing out of the room.

I slowly shift out of bed and rush after him quietly, as everyone is still sleeping.

"Bray?" I call out in a whisper through the halls.

I follow the main hallway downstairs.

I tiptoe through the empty bottom floor, roaming until I hear talking.

I follow the voices to Abigail's office.

I stand outside the door and listen in.

"I apologize, Sister Abigail. You have too many children housed here. You should have half of what you have." A male explains.

"I can take care of them all! They are all doing well!" She exclaims.

"It's the law. We are going to be taking half of these children off of your hands."

"Please don't separate anyone-please. No blood or anything. These children have gone through too much and don't need to be separated from their own blood." She begs.

"We plan on taking half from each age year." He explains and the deep pit in my stomach further deepens.

"No. You can't do that." Bray suddenly speaks up.

"It works, son. It'd be the only way." Another man explains.

"Listen here," I hear Bray growl.

I hear struggle within, Bray probably tacking him up against the wall.

"The girl I love is the only other 16 year old here. I love her to fucking death. I'd die for her in the most gruesome ways. You can't even relate because I know for a fact I love her with a love that you'll never be able to experience." I here him spit into his face.

With a little commotion I hear him back off.

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Wyatt but that's the only way. Maybe you'll be able to visit her?" He reasons.

"No! Fucking no! I have to be with her!" He yells and I hear the man being shoved into the wall.

"Bray. Calm down." Abigail reasons.

"I can't-" he begins.

"Go outside. Cool down." She shushes.

He grunts and I feel the door open.

I back up and wait for him to close the door before running to hug him.

"I told you, Bray." I muffle into his chest.

"I won't let this happen. Don't worry." He assures.

He steers my face up and wipes the tears I hadn't noticed were there.

"Darling, we'll be okay." He assures and leans in to touch his lips to mine.

I boost myself on my tip toes as the door flings open, shining the bright light on us.

I break away quickly and Bray steps in.

He looks back at me and motions for me to come in as well.

"This is her. This is the girl I'm in love with. Her entire family died in a shooting that she almost died in herself. She has been in and out of foster homes, abused, shamed and ignored. I do my best to make her feel the opposite of all of this. Here, she is safe and protected, feeling wanted and loved. You want to take anyone of these poor children from an actually loving home? You are nothing other than a monster." He tells the two tall men.

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