Chapter 38

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🍕Guys this has two more chapters until the series is done.🍕

I sigh in response, turning my phone off.

When the waitress comes with our food we are all quick to eat up.

We eat in silence, opposite of how the other men I had harbored myself with ate.

It was quite nice.

Bray wasn't too bad.

Not at all, actually.

He was here and he was trying to protect me this entire time.

He deserves a medal but he's never really won a prize.

I start to feel immensely guilty.

I realize I've been staring at the table and having a tiny little anxiety attack.

All of the men watch me and I try to casually start eating again.

Bray slides his hand into mine again and I don't bother to look at him.

When we all finish we quickly head out inconspicuously.

We drive to their little gym and Erick scopes it out once again.

When nothing prevails, we head inside.

There are very few random people when we get there.

The men deal out, doing separate training stations.

I sit on the bench, ignoring the fact that I should be training.

I daydream the entire time.

Nobody bothers to persuade me to train and I'm honestly relieved.

I'm fucking exhausted.

My head is screaming and I'm avoiding everything.

It's so hard trying to kill your own mind.

I lay back on the bench and let the harsh lights coarse me to sleep.

I'm awakened with the soft rustling of someone situating me in the car.

I stir up and Brays face is concentrated on buckling me up.

I look down at him drowsily and quickly buckle it myself.

He looks up and kisses my forehead before moving to the other side of the car, starting the engine.

I go back to sleep.

When I awake once again I'm on the couch in Brays room.

I daze up and slowly rise, stretching my arms.

Luke and Erick sit on the couch to the side of me.

They barely pay attention to me, seeming too intrigued by the music video on the t.v.

"Ah, you're awake." Bray whisper startles me.

"I am. You should've woken me up earlier, I feel terrible." I say, turning around to face him.

"Eh, the wrecked are always pretty tired. You needed the sleep." He grins, circling around the couch to sit next to me.

He hands me a cup of what seems to be chocolate milk and I take it, thanking him.

He gives some to Erick and Luke and I raise my glass slightly before taking a sip.

I cringe immediately.

"Holy- you shot this up really well." I laugh, surprised at the amount of alcohol in it.

"Relax." He mumbles, shifting back onto the couch.

As the effects of the beverage begin to progress, the tension in the air melts away.

Soon Luke and Erick sing along to the t.v. And bray attacks my face with kisses.

I, for one, have never been much of a drinker nor a very controlled one so this was very foreign.

I just stared at Brays face for the most part, noticing little things I've never noticed before.

I ran my finger tips over his nose and cheeks, leading to his jaw.

I held his jaw as I moved forward, kissing him tenderly.

Eventually Luke and Erick disband to their rooms and Bray and I are left rather smugly.

By smugly I mean making out and yelling about anger.

It fit us both very well.

It isn't surprising when things get a little wilder.

Very wild.

We fill the holes in our souls with body warmth and deep promises.

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