Chapter 12

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We ditch out of the diner and head back home.

"Anything you wanna do?" I ask Dean eagerly.

"You know what I always want to do, but just being close to you will work too." He sighs.

"Wooooaaahhhhh Dean." Roman yells and he chuckles.

I blush wildly and Dean pulls me into him on the couch.

I sit sideways on his lap and he hugs me close to him.

I circle my arm around his neck and play with the hair behind his ear while he messes around with the TV remote.

He puts on Modern Family and cuddles closer me to me, holding me tight until dark hits.

We sit like this for awhile, compelled by the tv show.

He kisses my neck and nibs gently at it, generating giggles from me as I raise my shoulder.

I grin as I rustle my hands through his hair, him pulling me tighter to him.

I kiss the side of his face smoothly and he takes my head in his hands, quickly taking my lips.

We make out for the longest time, not minding anything else that is going on.

Our noses crush on each other's faces, taking strangled breaths before crashing into each other's lips again.

I shift fully on his lap and stratal my legs so my knees are at his hips.

I stand on my knees so I'm above him and pull his hair back.

I crush my lips into his and he slowly begins to rake his fingers above my hips, raising up my shirt slightly.

I open my eyes quickly to see his are closed before I further from his lips.

"Not now..." I whisper.

"Seth and Roman are gone. Why not?" He asks and I look around.

"When did they-" I ask.

"When we were still watching t.v. They left to get cake." He says.

"Oh..." I laugh, sitting down to sit on his lap, facing him.

"Well I'm sorry I just totally ruined this whole thing." I laugh.

"You didn't." He sighs.

"Trust me, you're going to have fun after we go out and party, alright?" I ask and he grins.

He pulls me to his lips again and we make out for another long period of time until the door opens.

"Calm it down there." Seth says as he steps in with plastic bags while Roman holds a large cake.

"Fuck off." I mumble as I swing back into Deans lips.

He holds my hips and slides his hands down to my bottom, twisting his tongue with mine.

"I want you so fucking bad." He whispers and I grin.

I run my hands down his back while they prepare the cake.

"Uhm. Cake time?" Roman questions and Dean picks me up while we still kiss, walking over to them.

I further from his lips and grin as he sets me down.

We both wipe our lips and glance at them.

"God. If he gets that much action, I see why Bray wanted you so much." Seth laughs.



"Yeah." I mumble, laughing.

Roman lights the simple cake with his long lighter thing and I rush to turn off the lights.

"You guys didn't have-" Dean says.

"We do this every year Cmon." He says.

"Alright." He laughs and Roman starts singing.

We sing happy birthday and I grin as Dean blows out the candles; extinguishing the light and leaving us in the darkness.

He pulls me back in his arms in the dark and kisses me, running his fingers over my face.

I grab his hair in my fist and pull him closer, closing my eyes as we violently make out.

The lights snap on as he nails me against the wall, giving a surface to kiss me harder on.

He picks my legs around his waist and continues.

We slowly calm as Seth and Roman wait.

"Are we going to the club or..." Roman asks awkwardly.

I slide down the wall as Dean lets go of me.

"Yeah." I sigh and grab my bag.

I feel a buzz and look in it.

"Found my phone." I laugh and check the messages.

"Ooh Dean." I smirk and show him the message from Paige.

"Get him down here, we're waiting." It reads and he laughs.

"We better go." He says as he pulls me through the door and down the hallway.

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