Chapter 24

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Dean walks around the room when I wake.

"Hello sleepy head." He smiles at me.

He slips on a shirt while I sit up, cupping my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"Don't be." He smiles, sitting on the bed.

He hands me a small bottle of green tea and I take it.

He finishes getting himself ready and lays out an outfit for me.

I slowly shift out of bed and fall to the ground.

I lay on the ground and groan.

"Cmon, kid." He laughs.

He yanks me up and I fall into his chest drowsily.

"I think you're going to be napping at the arena." He laughs.

He plops me on the bed unceremoniously and throws my outfit at me.

He grabs his title off of the dresser and examines it while I get dressed clumsily.

I pull up the white dress and struggle with the zipper in the back.

"Can you-" I slur.

He crawls over and zips my dress, slipping a black fitted jacket over my shoulders.

I sip at my green tea gingerly.

"Can you get me some pain killers, please?" I ask and he nods, stepping out of the room.

I put on my shoes while he fetches them.

He closes the door lightly and hands me the pills.

I mumble a thank you as I nod.

He waves it off and picks his phone off his nightstand.

He sits playing on it while I lay back against the bed, waiting for the pills to kick in.

He pets my hair as he plays and I close my eyes.

I fall asleep for a bit and he shakes my hands so I wake up.

"How you feeling?" He asks and I just nod.

"I love you." I whisper deliriously, rolling around in bed.

"I love you too." He laughs, yanking me up from the bed.

I hold his hands and stare at my feet while I stand.

I sense him looking down at me but I just continue to stand still.

I go on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

He boosts me up in his hips and I hug him tightly.

He squeezes me and I bury my head in his shirt.

After a moment he starts stepping toward the door.

He brings me out and waves at the guys with his one hand.

I drop to my feet and he glances at me.

"I'm going to go drag her to the training corps. We'll hitch a cab to the house show place. Meet you guys there?" Dean asks and they both nod.

I grab my bag and walk out with him.

I stumble around and day dream often.

I wake up a bit when the frosty air hits my face.

Dean signals a taxi and we hop in.

"You can't go drinking like that again, okay? It leaves you like this and you could get hurt and what you were going through yesterday wasn't right." He mumbles against my head.

I nod and daze off against his chest.

He wakes me up when we arrive, petting my hair.

We pay the man and walk towards the training center, teeth clattering and bones frozen.

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