Chapter 35

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🍕Sorry lmfao literally nothing happens in this chapter but hey I updated wow!!!🍕
They begin with unmentionable things.

Children burning in flames, insanity taking over, watching myself being crushed by walls.

The normal things that I've become accustomed to.

Slowly they form into much more terrible actions.

Seth burns in the flames, Roman is crushed and I crack on Dean.

I murder him.


He doesn't fight, he claims he deserves it.

This only makes me angrier.

Once his bloody corpse stops moving, I crumble to my knees and cry.

Soon the voices come by and I wake up screaming.

When a large hand gently covers my mouth and shushes me, I flip out a bit.

My eyes open wide and I relax when I realize it's Bray.

My voice chokes out and we spend a few moment just glaring into one another's eyes.

We both had no idea what to do, but this was working for now.

"You're okay?" He asks as he shifts on the bed.

I realize I'm on his lap, sitting like a little child would as I look down.

I nod as he sighs.

"Do you want me to stay here?" He asks subtly.

I nod once again and he shifts under the covers.

He pulls me to him and I nestle my head in between his neck and the bed.

He wraps his arm around my middle and pulls me closer.

I wrap my hands around his neck and we hold one another like that.

Soon enough, I fall asleep with no trace of nightmares.

When I awake, he's gone.

At least that's what I'm thinking before I feel his strong arm around my middle.

Must have rolled around.

I smirk a little bit.

Thoughts of the previous day try to creep back into my head but I block them out as best as I can and concentrate on Brays chest rising and falling against my back.

Difficult, love is.

But how would I know what love is when I don't have it.

He tightens his arm around me as that train of thought surges through my veins.

I shut my eyes again and grasp his hand, trying to put my torturous head to sleep.

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