Chapter 36

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When I awake again, Bray is still here.


He's snoring now.

His hand tightens around my middle and I squirm a little.

I roll over to look him in the face.

His eyelashes lay lightly on his sparsely freckled cheeks.

I smile a bit.

Soon his snoring fades out and he opens his eyes slightly.

He squints at me and I can't help but grin.

"Good morning." He groans, shifting up.

"Oh." He says as he loosens his arms and I support myself up.

"You had quite the grip on me." I smile.

"I did." He says as he slides off the bed and moves towards the kitchen.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Don't make me anything. I'm fine." I say.

"I'm going to. It's your choice of what you want." He says.

"I don't want-"

"You know what? I want to eat out." He says.

"Get dressed, we'll grab breakfast somewhere." He adds.

I nod and slip out of bed.



"I don't have any clothes..."

"Oh yeah. Fuck. I'll call your old room and see if anyone's there before we go."

He calls the room and when nobody picks up, he grabs my hand and walks me to my old room.

He knocks firstly and I slide my keycard into his hand.

He opens the door and I walk in, grabbing my clothes and belongings and throwing them into my suitcase.

I walk out swiftly and meet him at the door.

"Hope they don't notice." I mumble.

"Why not?" He asks, taking my bag from me.

"They might check the cameras." I say, looking down the hallway.

"Do you not want them knowing you're with me?" He asks.

"If they know they'll try to take me back for safety reasons. You've made yourself quite a reputation."

"I realize that." He groans.

We reach the end of the hallway before I hear a familiar sound.

"Go. Let's go. Bray. Cmon." I quickly whisper as I begin to round the corner.

We make it past and I sigh.

I hear Deans key jingle louder as he approaches his door.

With a little click he opens the door.

I continue to walk and Bray glares at me.

"You must know him well, to just know the jingle of his keys." He says.

"I do." I say emotionlessly.

"Hey, I'm sorry." He says as we approach his door.

"For what?" I ask, stopping in front of the door.

"Really everything. Everything I've ever done to you. I'm sorry for what happened and I'm sorry you have to go through it."

He laced his hand to the side of my neck, right on my jaw bone.

The look he has in his eyes when I finally manage to look into them was pure regret.

He looks on the edge of tears.

"I-" I mumble.

He doesn't let me finish before he's on my lips.

He kisses so passionately I could faint.

He bites my lip softly, shifting his head while I try to be as passionate right back.

I actually almost faint before he allows me to shift away from him.

He takes his hands from my face and shifts away.

I never break eye contact.

"Are you guys done?" Someone asks and I jump.

"Luke-God-yeah-what do you need?" Bray asks, turning his head.

"We were supposed to train this morning." He says, looking me down.

"Clothes?" He asks.

"She needed some." Bray answers for me.

"So are you guys a thing now or..." He asks.

"She's staying with me until something happens where she doesn't have to anymore." He answers.

"Oh yeah because Dean-" he cuts himself off.

"Don't push it." I mumble.

"Did we not try to warn you?" He asks.

"Shut up." I look at him.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Luke." Bray says as he drops his eyes.

"So are we training or..." Luke asks.

"Yeah. Whatever. Let her get dressed."

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