Chapter 15

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"Ugh Dean." I groan.

"What?" He groans back.

"I hate hangovers." I roll over in bed.

"Me too." He laughs.

"Close your ears." He says.

I shut my ears and hear him faintly yell for Roman.

I see him open the door and I cringe at the light.

Dean stumbles over to him and asks for green tea.

Meanwhile, I spread myself across the bed and groan like a child.

Roman leaves for room service and Dean looks back at me and frowns.

I grin at him and he breaks his frown to smile.

"Move you little bunny." He says as he scoots my legs back together.

He walks on his knees across the bed.

"Bunny?" I ask, not helping him to move my limbs.

"Bunny." He laughs and I bounce to my knees to grab his face and kiss him.

"I love youuuuuuu...." I say as I further from his mouth.

"I love you tooooooooooo." He sighs as he moves his thumb across my cheek bones.

"I can't believe I finally have you. You're mine. You're all mine. I've worked so long and finally you're mine. The moment you faked sleeping on me in the car to right now, I always have known you'd eventually be mine. I was right." He babbles as he takes me into an awkward sort of hug.

"Ugh I'm too in love with you." He groans and I kiss his neck in response.

He wraps my legs around his waist and jumps off the bed.

Roman enters as he does so, throwing us teas as we walk out.

I close my eyes tightly and Dean squints as we move to the bright atmosphere.

"We gotta get you training, cmon." He says as he drops me to my feet.

Seth is still in his room and Roman plops on the couch.

I down my tea and find some pain killers.

I take them and run around, grabbing my gym bag and phone before returning to him.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod.

He leads me down to the gym in the hotel.

I feel better as the meds kick in.

The gym is crowded and Dean escorts me to an elliptical.

"Ew exercise." I grumble and he laughs.

"Get use to it, lovely. You're going to be doing a lot of it." He laughs as he turns it on for me.

He sprints over to the one next to me and turns his on.

He starts pedaling and I do as well, resting my arms on the bars in front.

I bow my head and close my eyes as I run.

Without knowing how long, I hear Dean trying to get me off of it.

"Hm?" I ask, slowing down.

"You've been doing it for an hour and a half, you beat me out an hour ago..." He laughs.

"I think I fell asleep." I laugh.

"Oh." He chuckles and lifts me off of it.

He places me on my feet and my legs turn to jelly, me falling.

I sit on the ground and laugh up at him.

"Nope?" He asks while laughing lightly.

"Nope." I confirm as he picks me up.

He moves me over to the weight lifting bench and lays me down, letting me lift 20 pounders up and down.

He bench presses and I look over at him as he does so.

Once he gets tired and I'm exhausted, we head out.

My legs are extremely sore and my arms ache.

"Exercise." I mumble as we walk across the street.

"Yep." He says.

We pass some clothing shops and walk into a mcdonalds, hand in hand.

"Now time to eat it all back." He says.

I giggle and he looks down at me, bringing my head up to kiss before moving to the line.

We stand awkwardly, Dean the largest guy in the entire restaurant.

I stand in front of him and look down at my feet awkwardly, me probably the tiniest woman in the restaurant.

"You're so tall." I laugh as I look up shyly.

"And you're so short." He mumbles as we walk to the man.

"Can I get three large fries, two chocolate milkshakes and two Big Macs?" He asks and the waiter nods.

We wait for him to pass over the food and drinks.

When he finally does, we hunt for a two table near the window.

Dean smirks at me and hands me the two large fries.

I grin and eat savagely, realizing how hungry I am.

I devour the fries and slouch on the table.

He finishes up soon after and I feel him glaring at me.

I glance up at him and he smirks.

God, his smirks.

I smile and hide my face again.

I close my eyes in my sleeve, blushing.

He takes my free hand and holds it, playing with my fingers.

I glance up at him, grinning.

"You're so cute." He chuckles.

"So are you." I smile.

"Let's go, sweetheart. It's past 7." He says, pulling me up from my seat.

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