Chapter 14

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🍕Im so lazy omg.🍕

Happiness within pain.

The light shines in my face and I smile.

I look up and giggle at his face.

He's sleeping, his eyelashes lightly resting on his cheeks.

I move my hand to his face and move my thumb across his cheekbones.

I cover myself up a little before kissing him lightly, moving my thumb to trace his lips.

I run it across in circles on his top and bottom lip, swiping up the slight drool leaking out of the side of his mouth.

His one hand grasps my shoulder and I feel it lighten before his eyes flutter open.

I continue to trace his lips, dipping my
thumb in a little as he watches me sleepily.

I smile at him and he closes his mouth.

I frown and he traces my lips instead.

I stare awkwardly at him while he does.

Eventually I lightly bite his finger and he laughs.

I grin.

He curls my hair behind my ear and brings my chin up to dab his lips.

"I love you." I sigh.

"I love you more." He says in little lip movements.

"No you don't. I love you way more."
I laugh.

"Prove it." He says, flipping on top of me.

"Oh my god." I laugh as he raises himself above me.

"Holy fuck." He groans and falls to the side.

"Ugh. Don't tell me." I groan as I roll over and run my finger over his bare chest.

"Hangover to the max." He says.

"Blah." I moan.

I rest back down and he looks over at me.

"You're so beautiful. You know that, right?" He asks and I smile.

"You're so handsome. You know that, right?" I imitate him.

"We have to get up, don't we?" I ask lazily and he nods.

"Go get dressed." He says as he gives me a layer of sheet to cover myself with.

"Holy shit." I groan at the pain and headache, sitting up.

"Right?" He laughs.

"Oh shush. You don't have to deal with the fact that you were very wild last night." I scowl and he laughs.

"You're alright?" He asks and I laugh as I nod.

"Good." He sighs as I get a black and white floral dress out.

I grab undergarments and slip them on as Dean closes his eyes, his head tilted up at the ceiling.

I slip on my dress and limp back to the bed, falling onto it.

"Go get dressed, loser." I tell him and he groans.

He slips out of bed and gets dressed himself, me retaining the position he had.

"So what's the plan with the whole WWE thing?" I ask.

"Ugh. So much." He groans.

"We have to tell Stephanie you're not pregnant anymore and she'll be glad to put you back into wrestling. Maybe she'll start up couple feuds again." He laughs.

"That's all tomorrow, though. All I want to do is cuddle and nurse a hangover." I groan.

"And that's alright. It's Wednesday anyways." He sighs as he plops on the bed.

"Ugh." He groans and I laugh.

"Green tea helps me with hangovers, you should try it." I laugh.

"Really?" He asks, squinting at me.

"Especially the night of." I giggle.

I move over to him on the bed and play with his hair, crosslegged.

He adjusts so his head is in my lap and looks up at me while I ruffle his hair.

I smirk at him and he grins back.

"It's too bright." I sigh.

"It's giving me a headache." He groans and I laugh.

"That's not the only thing." I mumble and he grins, shaking his hair.

"Okay. Day off. Roman is either sleeping or watching t.v, Seth is definitely hungover and probably in bed. Alone. Nobody can hear us." He grins and I laugh.

"Oh my god. I'm way too hungover still." I laugh and he does to.

"I can't wait till you aren't." He grins and I look down.

"I'm sorry-" he starts quickly and I just shake my head no.

"I don't want to try again with the baby for awhile. Is that okay?" I ask shyly.

"That's totally, totally fine." He kisses my forehead nicely.

"We will try again when it's ready." He whispers.

"For now, stay safe." He boosts himself from the bed and falls back down.

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