Chapter 1

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🍕Okay. Woo. Let's go. Last book. Thank you all for sticking with me through this.🍕

A New Life

Lilly's POV

I flip through the pages of the thick book deliberately, taking the time to read every poem and story stored within.

I love Edgar Allen Poe.

Abigail got me this book for my birthday, due to my massive obsession with him.

"Lilly!" I hear a teenage boy call for me.

"Yeah?" I yell back.

"C'mere! I have a surprise for you." I can practically see him smirking behind the walls.

"Bring it here, Bray." I yell.

"Lilly please stop yelling to your boy toy." Julian yells at me.

"Oh my god. Shut up." I laugh.

"Bray! Get in here! Your woman needs you!" He yells.

"Oh my lord." I mumble.

Soon the teenage boy whom had beckoned me earlier turns the corner into the large room.

I peak through the bases of the many beds to get a glimpse at him.

He grins when he sees me, plopping himself on my bed.

"Reading his stuff again I see." He looks me down with those perfect blue eyes.

He shakes his wavy dark hair and smiles at me, showing his massive dimples.

"It's the only thing that makes sense anymore." I mutter.

I slide my feet off the bed to sit directly next to him.

His frame is large but skinny.

"I got you this-" he holds out a black rose.

"I painted it black. I know how you don't like bright things." He says, moving my hair out of my face.

"Thank you..." I smile.

"I've missed you so much." I whisper.

"Lilly, I saw you last night at the fire." He chuckles.

"It's been a lot longer than that, Bray." I mumble.

"What do you mean?" He asks and turns himself to kiss the top of my head.

"I mean this isn't real..." I whisper.

"What?" He asks, taking my hands in his large ones.

"I don't know." I mumble, blushing.

"Want to go out to the woods, talk about it there?" He asks.

"I honestly don't know if I can-" I begin.

"Cmon." He cuts me off, laughing.

He stands up and pulls me with him.

I look up at him, me merely at his shoulders.

"Good. I'm still taller." He laughs and I have to too.

"And you still have a bit to grow. In awhile I'll be right here on you." I poke his arm right below his armpit.

"It's going to be difficult to kiss you there." He blushes and flips his hair again.

I smile wildly at him, and he does the same.

"C'mere-" he starts, wrapping me into his body for a hug.

"Can you guys not start making out in here?" Julian yells.

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