Chapter 19

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🍕this is a dream btw🍕

They chant resurgence.

My body is stiff and brittle.

Very brittle.

As if I could fall apart.

Maybe I already have.

My eyes are clenched shut.

The shouts and movement around me become clearer.

Crunching of autumn leaves, the smell of pumpkins.


The shouts are of little children.

They repeat a word over and over at different times, making it extremely difficult to translate it.

I flick open my eyes as they finally yell the word at one time.



My eyes shut again as an extreme light flashes into them.

My ears ring and I flinch.

My arms are restrained, giving very little free way to move them.

My legs are tacked down as well.

I turn my head and open my eyes.

It takes forever for my eyes to adjust and they water massively.

Soon, the light fades and I see him.

The abusive little fuck.

I immediately try to slap him.

I growl at my restraints and spit at him.

The dark atmosphere around us fades in.

"Now, now. That's no way to act toward your father." He says.

"You're not my father." I growl at him.

"Your father didn't give a damn about you. At least I pay attention to you."

He circles my hair around my ear and I reach to bite his finger.

He pulls away quickly with a disgusted face.

"I can see why they never fought to stay alive." He growls.

"Fuck off you little shit." I clench my teeth and he laughs.

"You're so pretty. I see why Bray likes you." He runs his hand along my side.

"Fuck off." I yell, fighting against my restraints.

"Bray!" I scream and yell.

He slaps me hard.

"Shut the fuck up. Your little boy toy isn't coming."

I huff in his direction.

He traces his hand down my stomach and I struggle again.

"Stop! fucking stop!" I yell, shaking the restraints.

"No." He answers, laughing.

"Bray!" I yell again and hear footsteps.

"Ha!" I laugh and try to kick him.

I hear the footsteps become louder and suddenly the floor door is pushed open, shining massive streaks into the dusty attic.

"Bray!" I scream and smile.

He jumps on our foster dad and struggles with him, them both dropping to the floor.

"Bray!" I scream.

The only face to rise from the ground is that of our "father."

I scream and clench my eyes and open them to another scene.


I'm on Bray's hips, looking into his eyes.

I actually feel happy.

He glances up at me with his young face, blue eyes shining.

I look around to see the woods before kissing him.

A soft breeze brushes through my hair as we kiss.

He drops his hands down to my lower back and I smile against his lips.

I straiten my legs so I'm above him and he steers us to a thick tree.

He rams my back against it, slowly dropping me down.

He calmly traces his hands up from my back to my neck.

We break away as he brings both around my neck.

I give him a strange look and he clasps his hands together.

He tacks me against the tree, strangling me.

I grab his hands and try to pry them away from my neck desperately.

I gasp for air but his grip becomes tighter.

His eyes well up with tears as my face becomes blue.

His face is the last thing I see before the world goes black and I fall.


I wake up next to Seth.

He's sleeping nicely, me wrapped in his arms.

I slowly shift out of them, extremely confused.

He doesn't have a shirt on and I've only got undergarments on.

In realization, I back off of the sheets and fall to the ground.

He continues to snore loudly.

I pick up his shirt and throw it over myself.

It drops to under my waist and I step out of his room.

I stumble back when I see Roman and Jessica actively going at it.

I cover my eyes and run to Deans room.

I open it and gasp when I see Dean and Paige, curled up together, completely naked.



What the fuck is this.

This can't be happening.

I slump against the door.


Dean rises and watches me as I scream.

My eyes clench closed and I spin into another reality.


I watch myself in the closet.

I'm so small.

So adorable.

I draw with crayons until I hear the door knock.

Instead of staying in, I walk out.

"I'll get it!" I yell and make my way to the door.

I open it and get a good look at him.

He hands the gun to me.

My father comes forward to the door and the robber wraps his hands around me.

He helps me to shoot the gun.

I close my eyes as I watch my father fall to the ground.

I stand as I watch my mother, sister and brother fall.

I kill them all.

Every last one of them.

The man turns the gun around to point at my head, his arms still guiding me.

He shoots and I quickly veer the gun to the right, taking him out.

I use the last bullet on myself.

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