Chapter 30

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I lay on the couch alone when I wake.

It takes awhile, but I eventually sit up.

There's a note on the T.V. And I squint at it.

Be back soon. Get some rest. Another house show tonight.

I groan and roll over, shoving my face into the pillow.

After a few minutes I hear Seth come in and rip the note off the T.V.

I glare at him and he shrugs, yelling the news in Roman's room before going back to bed.

I can only think of Dean with some other girl.

Nah, Roman said he wasn't like that.

I trust Roman a lot more than most people.

He hasn't failed me yet.

I sit and stare at the t.v. Drowsily.

Slowly, I begin to drift into a worried sleep.

I'm awaken with the soft click of the door.

Dean steps in the kitchen and places something down clumsily.

He throws his keys on the counter with a loud clank and walks over, the sound of his heavy boots against the wood floor echoing through my head.

I close my eyes as he leans over the couch, moving my hair behind my ear and kissing the side of my forehead.

He circles around the couch and sits next to me, rubbing my hip and lightly whispering my name.

I falsely stir awake and stare at him, blinking my eyes.

"Where were you?" I cough.

"I went out to get coffee." He says, pointing to the counter.

"You were gone for awhile, though." I point out.

"Had to run to the store." He shrugs and helps me get up.

I glance at him wearily and his lip dips down for a moment.

He dabs my lips and I close my eyes, staring at the ground.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. Tired." I laugh nervously, walking to the coffee.

He hands me my coffee from the opposite side of the counter.

I take it and sip, cringing at the taste.

Soon, Roman moves and sits beside me.

He takes his coffee and we watch T.V. Until Seth comes out.

I ditch to get dressed and grab my bag.

I quickly change into a black skirt and baggy Pierce the veil shirt.

I slip on leggings and combat boots quickly.

I brush my hair and braid it against my back.

I sigh as I step towards the door.

The conversation stops when I step in.

I give a look of concern at all three of them and they look away.

At that moment, I feel the eyes dart back.

I fall to the ground and all that awaits my sudden demise is darkness.

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