Chapter 40

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-So this is the end. Thank you all for reading this. I love you all so much. It's been over a year of writing this and it seems surreal to end the series. Thank you.-

Over the next few months, tensions began to tighten between each member of the shield.

The opportunities were growing, much like my abdomen.

Dean and I were certain of our choice when we had made it.

It was time to create our own little genetic masterpiece.

After months of being sick and feeling like shit, it was the good old days at the end of the nine months where this little buggar was getting ready to pop out.

That's when the tensions were highest, because why not any other time than when one member was dealing with a highly hormonal pregnant lady.

I tried to be the kindest I could be besides terrible mood swings and constant pain.

It was in one of Dean and Seth's arguments when I was pretty rude.

They were bickering about one another's attitude, nothing new.

"Well you're mister negative all of the fucking time!" Seth yelled while I cupped my forehead with my hand.

"Well it's not like I have to take care of my 9 month pregnant fucking wife. I'm not a bad guy! I can't leave her alone!" He squealed.

Ah, our wedding.

Beautiful, actually.

Small, of course.

I've never been a fan of having a million people waste their time to see Dean and I kiss and be involved legally.

It was set on the grounds of my foster dads house, under the great willow tree that held so many memories.

Bray was there, with his wonderful new woman.

One of my very good friends.


She makes Bray happy.

Which makes me happy.

"Well that's not my fucking business to have to deal with!" Seth yelled in his face.

This was the moment when I felt a large rush of water between my legs.

They continued screaming at one another as I stood in shock.

"Dean-" I said.

They ignored me.

"Dean." I said, almost yelling.

Seth turned towards me.

"What! Are you having your kid?" He asked sarcastically.

"Um. Yeah. Like right now." I said.

Dean looked like he was in as much shock as I was.

He snapped back into his senses and picked me up, running from the arena and into the car.

He told Seth to drive while he sat with me in the back seat.

I held his hand as tight as possible.


We had a little girl.

We named you Dawn, like we promised we would so long ago.

After the little girl who took our love story as a fairytale.

You're very jumpy and such an ecstatic little thing.

Deans so great with you, it seems like everything is finally just perfect.

You're the best thing I could've ever asked for.

You've come to show me how much I would have missed out on if I had taken my life so long ago.

Dean and yourself have made all of it worth it.

You've taught me that the fires are our friends and within the fires we have
  come to know for so long,

                We turned to ashes.

Goodnight, my beautiful girl.
Sleep well.

              (August 4th, 2014-
            September 12th 2015)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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