Chapter 7

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🍕Sorry I've been lazy.🍕


I sigh and feel tears trickle down my cheeks as the nurse finally arrives.

"Did you need anything?" She asks.

I shake my head no.

She looks back and then comes close.

She moves the hair out of my face and glares me in the eyes.

"Lilly?" She asks.

"Hm?" I hum.

"Do you remember me?" She asks.

I shake my head gloomily.

"No. It's fine. It's been forever." She says, offering me her hand.

"Jessica." She greets, grinning.

I shake it and pull her into a hug.

"I've missed you so much." I write while buried in her shoulder.

"I've missed you too." She says, laughing.

"My god, it's been twelve years? Since you left for Louisiana with that hot guy?" She asks.

I laugh.

"For Bray?" I ask on paper.

"Yep. Saw him come out. See you're still together." She says.

I shake my head no.

"He's a monster." I write.

"Oh. Alright." She says without further explanation.

This is why we were best friends back in the bad foster home.

We understood some things were better left unsaid.

We understood things weren't perfect but there were always better times to explain.

We understood each other.

"So how have you been?" She asks.

"Bad." I write.

"Well. I know that. But. Why?" she asks and I nod my head in a later signal.

"Heard you lost a baby." She looks down at my abdomen and back to me.

I nod sadly and she hugs me.

"I'm sorry, babe." She says quietly.

I shake my head and she curls my hair behind my ear.

"Was it Bray's?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Who's?" She asks as Seth, Dean and Roman return.

I nod at Dean and she smiles as she shakes his hand.

I see him give her a questioning look and I smirk.

She explains who she is and says she better get going.

She leaves soon after and Dean tells her to visit.

"Dude she's hot as shit." Seth says and Roman and Dean shrug.

"Go get her then." Dean laughs.

"I will." He laughs.

Things quiet down and I motion for Dean to come over to my bed.

He gets up immediately and rushes over.

I see Roman and Seth watch on as I take his head in my arms, hugging it close to my face.

"I love you." I whisper.


He grins as he dives into my lips, tacking me against the bed.

I lock my hands in his hair and he laughs while kissing me.

Seth and Roman give us odd looks.

"I'm glad you're back." He whispers against my lips and I nod.

"Me too." I whisper back.

He pulls back and tries to wipe the dark circles from my eyes, only to realize they aren't dirt.

"They've got you all doped up on happy meds and you've still got bags." He laughs and I do too.

"Soon you'll be off of them." He insists.

"Boys, pack up. We will be leaving soon." He says.

They give him confused looks.

"What he said." I say, grinning.

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