Chapter 39

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/second to last chapter that ends the trilogy wow/

The next few days we stake out at the room, avoiding public appearances.

Unfortunately the day has come where I must face Dean.

We wake up early, ordering breakfast from the service menu while we get dressed.

"You going to be alright? We've got the plan and I'll be there if you need me." Bray asks me as I'm pulling on my shirt.

"I've got full confidence." I sarcastically sneer.

"It's going to be okay. It's just today." He promises, moving towards me.

He looks at me for awhile, finally deciding to peck my forehead with his lips as the doorbell rings.

He rushes out and grabs our breakfast.

I acquire the rest of my outfit and head out to the main room with him.

I pull my hair back as he sets the dish now.

"It's going to be alright." I assure myself quietly.

When we arrive at the arena, I am quick to split from Bray.

I enter about 15 minutes before he does.

I hang out in the locker room, avoiding everyone.

Eventually Bray sends a text and I hurry to Stephanie's office.

I get the plan for today and when she recommends that I meet with Dean, I stutter.

"We've been having some problems." I mumble.

"This is business. Petty relationship problems aren't my job to handle." She says.

"We aren't in a relationship anymore." I say.


"He cheated..." I cough.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Doesn't seem like him. Maybe if you guys can settle your differences I'll be able to get you in new story lines." She says.

"As for now, he's coming to my office now." She says and I gasp.

I turn to face the door as it opens.

I know he's there.

I rush past with my head down, moving between his body and the doorframe as he holds it open for me.

Did he not see me?

I mumble a mistaken thank you and he turns.

"Lilly-" he begins, grabbing my arm.

I turn around to face him and I can tell he's not doing well.

He's got dark circles under his eyes and a sadness within them.

I wonder if mine look the same.

I turn around and walk off quickly, trying to get away from him.

He follows me, of course.

I rush down the hallway, trying to escape.

I'm turning on a hallway corner when I run strait into Bray.

He sees Dean immediately and I rush behind him.

He signals me to go and I do.

They talk for as long as they're in earshot, just a normal conversation.

Right now normal is twisted.

I find an old electrical closet and harbor inside, taking a breather.

Jesus fucking Christ.

How the hell am I supposed to do this.

I crouch down on the wall and soon enough I jump up.

The door is creaking open.

Dean peaks his head in and when he sees me, closes the door.

"Of all people, you stayed with him?" He asked.

"Of all people, you had to cheat on me with her? Could you not find anyone better?" I ask, mocking him.

"I didn't cheat."

I laughed at that one.

"Yeah, well kissing another woman is kind of classified as cheating."

"Listen, I don't know what happened."

"Of course you don't!"

"No, I mean. I think the other divas were starting a movement against Paige or something and since you're her friend they wanted to get you too. That's what I've figured out so far. I swear, she came out of nowhere and kissed me."

"What about that photo?" I ask.

"What photo?"

"This one I found- it had a face cut out of it as the girl but it was dated the day you proposed." I mumble.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about. I was promo shooting at the only time I was away. You can ask." He says.

"I don't want to." I say.

"I love you."

"Do you?" I ask.

"How could I forget it?" He says, taking my face in his hands and colliding his lips with mine.

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