Chapter 22

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🍕Shit sorry again.🍕

Dean goes out for his match against Kofi Kingston for his title.

I wait nervously, playing on my phone in the girls locker room.

I watch the little t.v. In the corner as Dean goes out.

Kofi flies around, flashing his title in Deans face.

They start the match and I wander out to guerrilla, watching the show on the big screen.

Seth and Roman come from behind me and watch with me.

Dean fights hard and Kofi soon runs out of energy.

Dean continues to extinguish every move Kofi uses against him and finishes off his work with Dirty Deeds.

He makes the pin and the crowd cheers "1,2,3."

I scream and run out with Seth and Roman, sliding into the ring and attacking him with hugs.

He wiggles his new belt in triumph and I laugh.

He's grinning and laughing and Seth and Roman continue to attack him with hugs, throwing him all over the ring.

He opens his arms to me and I run into his grasp, hugging him tightly.

I jump on his lips and he thrusts his hands up while they cut to commercial.

We run back up and jump with joy inside, squealing.

Trips comes up to us.

"Okay. Great job for whatever. We want you to commentate for Lilly. Be all sweet and lovey." He says and Dean nods.

"You're U.S. Champ!" I squeal when he leaves.

"I can't even believe it." He huffs, grinning toward the roof while he wipes his forehead.

"You did amazing." I smile.

"I know." He smirks.

"Looks like it's almost time for us to go out." He smiles, walking me to the guerrilla entrance.

I wait for my music and walk with him.

He whispers for me to look bored and I accept.

I smirk at the crowd and jump on the ring while Dean circles to the desk.

I flip my hair before jumping on the middle rope and flip-rolling in.

I sit in the corner of the ring, staring evilly while Alicia comes out.

I hear boo's for her surprisingly.

The bell rings and I charge at her, immediately taking her on the corner ropes.

I knee her in the stomach repeatedly while the crowd cheers.

I yank her hair and fling her into the middle of the ring.

I let her get up, dazed, and kick her in the side of her face.

The crowd cheers as she falls to her knees.

She launches herself at my knees, but I flip and land on top of her.

I slam her head into the ground and climb to the top rope in the corner.

Once she stands up, I jump and clothesline her.

She falls and I yank her back up.

I rebound off the ropes and hop on her neck, crossing my legs and flinging myself backwards.

She flips and lands on her stomach flat while I land on my feet.

I flip her over and cover.

The crowd cheers as the ref counts.

I stand, grinning when he reaches three.

Dean slides in and kisses me awkwardly.

I grin against his lips and we wander back to the guerrilla.

"So you made your own finisher?" Stephanie asks.

"I did?" I ask, laughing.

"Yeah. I've never seen anything like that before. It was amazing looking." She exclaims.

"Find a name and that'll be your signature." She says, walking away.

I think it over as Seth and Roman fight a tag team match against local talents.

"What about like fake happiness or something?" I mumble to Dean.

"It should fit with your name." He whispers to the top of my head.

"The lillypad sounds stupid." I laugh.

"Make it about something cool." He whispers.

"Um." I think.

Death's ending?


Too eek.

Vanilla death.



My mind sets on Edgar Allen Poe.

"Ticking heart." I say.

"I like that." He says.

"Masque of the ticking heart." I add.

"Oh you're thinking Edgar Allen Poe." He laughs.

"He's more brilliant than I will ever be." I laugh.

"Nah. I don't think so." He kisses my head.

He plays with his belt.

Ticking heart.

I like that.

I rest my head on Deans chest and close my eyes.

Seth and Roman win against the talent and come back.

"Ready to go?" Dean asks them.

"Let me grab our bag." Roman says and I open my eyes drowsily to go to the locker room and grab mine.

Once I arrive I get dressed quickly and run out, swiping up my bag.

I walk around the halls, peeping around for them.

Suddenly, a force behind me tacks me to the wall and encircles me.

Those blue eyes are the first thing I see.

"I wouldn't trust him, darling." Bray mumbles.

"He's working to break your heart." He chuckles.

"Just like you did." I snap and break out of his grasp.

I walk in the other direction, not looking back.

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