Chapter 5

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🍕I hope this boring part goes by fast. There's going to be a lot more drama I promise. Remember to comment and shit so I remember to update.🍕

Never Means Forever.

An entire day passes.

I sit up in my bed, shaky hands sketching faces.

Seth buys me a notepad to communicate with, still being unable to talk.

I use it for drawing instead.

Dean sits to the side of my bed while I draw, finally finishing the hair of the figure.

I add little bits of detail before flipping and showing it to him.

He smiles and looks at the drawing of himself, obviously pleased.

"You're such an amazing artist." He whispers as he kisses my head.

I smile at him and he takes my hand in his, kissing it gently before leaning back against his chair.

I see Roman and Seth pull in with food and deal it out.

"Look what she drew." He says as he takes the pad from my hands and shows them.

I smile gently as they pass it around in amazement.

"Can you draw me?" Seth asks gently.

I nod my head and motion for the pad to be given back.

I take it and flip the page, sketching out his face and quickly working to complete it.

"Has she talked yet?" The doctor steps in.

"No." Roman answers plainly, still staring at me.

"I believe it's a symptom of PTSD. This is most commonly found in children and adults whom have had several traumatic things happen, slowly accumulating on one another. Seeing her past, I should've guessed this would've happened." He tells us.

I write down "oh." And turn it around.

"Is there a time that she'll be able to talk?" Dean asks.

"Whenever she can. When her brain recovers enough, honestly." He says.

I nod and go back to drawing.

Hours later I finish, showing him.

He smiles and takes a picture of it.

I start panicking and motioning for him to give my pad back.

"What's today?" I write and Dean quints to look at it.

"It's December 4th."

"Your birthday is soon. Three days." I write.

"Yep." He laughs and nods.

I nod in his direction and smile mischievously.

"How is she doing?" The nurse asks as she comes in.

"She's tired as you can see and not talking yet but she's fine other than that." Dean says.

"That's good." She says calmly.

I nod and she hands me a bowl of soup.

I take it gingerly, sipping away.

"Lilly, we have to go to main event..." Seth begins and I nod.

"We don't have to leave if you don't want us to. Dean wants to stay more than the world." Seth quickly adds.

"I'll be fine. Wrestle your hearts out." I write and they nod, collecting their stuff.

"I love you." Dean whispers as he dabs his lips against mine.

I write "I love you too." While we are still kissing and show him.

He smiles and leaves with the other men.

Soon after, a large man appears in the doorway.

"Honey, I'm home." He announces humorously, his thick southern drawl filling up the room.

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