Chapter 34

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🍕Hey guys could u pls check out my other book entitled "Kill Me Softly." I've worked really really hard on it and it's going to be really good I promise. 10 times better than this one.🍕

I don't even resist.

This feeling, it's something else.

Maybe saving.

He leans on the desk, encircling me with his arms while I hold his head still to kiss him.

"Come with me tonight." He whispers as he furthers from my lips for a moment.

"Where else would I go." I sigh as we take another breathing break.

When we further from one another's lips, I move my thumbs gently up his face.

I look adoringly in his eyes and he smiles gently.

He stands up strait and grabs my hand gently.

"Are they gone?" I choke out.

"You'd been crying for an hour when I came in and the show was finishing when you saw."


"Nobodies here, darling." He chuckles.

"Alright..." I say as he opens the door.

I hide behind him nervously while we walk out of the abandoned arena.

He strolls as usual, opening the door to his truck for me before walking around to the other side.

I sit in the large seat, nervously wringing my hands.

He starts the truck and grabs one of my hands.

I look at him and the look on his face forces me to calm down.

He gently taps on the gas and drives with one hand to the motel.

We quickly rush to his room, riding the elevator anxiously.

He hides me behind him as we gallop through the hallway.

He leads me to a door labeled 212.

He opens it carefully and leads me in, closing the door behind him.

I sigh as I enter, the anxiety subsiding.

"I've missed you so much." He whispers.

I turn and he's taking off his shoes.

"I've missed you too..." I cough.

"Sit down, make yourself at home. You may be here for a bit." He welcomes, walking over to me.

"You're welcome here for as long as you'd like." He says, taking my hands.

I nod and he furthers, making his bed.

I take off my boots carefully, placing them in the corner of the room.

I take off my shirt so my tank top remains and skid off my leggings so I have my wrestling shorts on.

"Woah. Quick to undress." He says and I turn around.

"Oh yeah- sorry. You don't mind, do you?" I ask.

"I mind that you're going to be sleeping in wrestling shorts. Let me find some old sweatpants, hold on." He says as he walks to his suitcase, digging around.

"You don't have to-" I say shyly, rubbing my arms.

"Yeah, but I have to." He says as he throws his sweatpants at me.

I catch them clumsily.

"Bathrooms over there." He says, pointing to a door in the corner.

"Thank you."

I wander over and close the door, turning the light on and rubbing my face.

My eyes are red and my face is blotchy.

I rub my face and groan, turning the facet and splashing water in my face.

I rub my face, blinking several times.

I put on his pants carefully.

I dab my face with a towel and breath out before opening the door and stepping out.

I put my hair up and he smiles at me.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch-" he says.

"No. Don't. I'll sleep on the couch." I laugh.

"No, no. Ladies first. What kind of man am I to let a girl sleep on the couch?" He asks.

I sigh and nod.

Where have I heard that one before?

He opens the bed up and waves to go to the other room.

"Goodnight, darling." He says.


"Hm?" He turns around.

I walk briskly over to him and crash my lips into his.

He holds my lower back against him and kisses back nicely.

"I love you, darling. Get some sleep." He says after we break apart.

"Goodnight." I whisper as I crawl into bed.

He switches the lights off and it's only so long until the nightmares hit.

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