Chapter 37

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{Go follow me on Instagram @heelwithit}.

Luke follows us inside and I ditch out to get dressed.

When I finish, they're waiting for me in the living room.

"Ready to go?" Bray asks, slapping his knees and standing up.

"Yeah." I nod.

"So you two have a very special relationship as it seems." Luke asks us in the hallway.

"Luke-" Bray says.

I keep my eyes trailed down.

"Well-cmon. I mean, look at you two." He tries to make up for himself.

I glance up at Bray and when I meet his eyes I look back down.

Luke huffs.

"That's what I'm talking about." He says.

When we reach the elevator, Luke stares at me.

"Have you got a problem?" I ask, him tilting his head.

He shrugs.

"Do you know where they exercise?" He asks.

"Oh not today- I mean- they don't exercise today- Tuesday's they go to promo shooting." I stutter.

"I don't need to be there usually. I think I'm okay. Oh my god. What am I going to do about this storyline? How do I face him? Do I tell people we broke up? I'm so fucking-" I stop myself.

Bray turns to me and takes my hands in his.

"Darling, you're going to be fine. You can act so well and even if you couldn't I'd talk to Vince about it for you okay? We've got till Friday to figure everything out. It's only Tuesday. You'll be okay." He says in a hushed whisper.

"You know people can't see me with you either or they'll start flipping." I say as the elevator doors open.

"That's okay. I'll figure it out."

We meet Erick in the lobby and he eyes me down.

I don't realize my palm is resting in Brays hand until he takes a little too long to look at the space between our hips.

"Let's go?" He asks.

Bray nods and we walk out, only the lobby receptionist noticing us.

We climb in Brays truck and I squeeze in the back with Luke.

"You two alright back there?" Bray asks.

I nod and Bray starts the engine, speeding off.

He stops at an old fashioned diner themed joint and I squirm out of the truck.

"Why are we stopping here?" Erick asks politely.

"Lilly and I haven't eaten yet. I'm hungry." He grumbled.

"Are there people here-" I begin, looking around.

"Want me to scope you out?" Erick asks.

Bray nods and we sit on a bench outside the place.

When Erick returns he nods.

"Only person in there is Rob Van Dam and he doesn't do drama. Nobody seemed to recognize me either."

I nodded and we hopped up, entering the diner.

Bray kept me behind his back and I kept my head down.

He requested a seat in the back of the diner and we sat at the most isolated table.

I slid into the booth awkwardly and Bray slid in as well.

Erick and Luke sat across while the waitress asked what we wanted for drinks.

I was wringing my hands on the table anxiously when Bray tapped me lightly.

"Hm?" I ask, looking up.

"What would you like to drink, darling?" Bray asks me.

"Oh um coke please. Sorry." I mumble towards the waitress.

She leaves and I look over the menu.

"Are you alright?" Bray whispers in my ear.

"Not really." I whisper back.

"What's wrong?" He asks, locking eyes with me.

"Anxiety, I guess." I shake it off.

He kisses me on the side of my head and holds my hand softly, running his thumb over the top of my hand.

"What do you want? I'll order for you." He says.

"Um. The blueberry pancake if that's okay." I say.

"Good choice." He nods.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out.

I feel Bray looking over my shoulder.

I open the screen only to see 37 texts and 21 voicemails from Dean.

I groan and delete them.

"You're not going to listen to them?" He asks.

"It's not worth it." I say slowly.

I shudder a little and he rubs my shoulder.

A few texts come in from Roman and Seth when the waitress comes back over and takes our order.

I open them, thinking it is an emergency.

"You need to talk to Dean, Lilly." Seth sends.

"He's got some explaining to do."

I ignore them.

"Are you safe?" Roman asks.

I show Bray and he nods for me to respond.

"yep." I send.

He quickly sends more texts but I delete them.

I sigh and put my phone on the table.

"It'll get better." Bray says as he takes a sip of his drink.

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