Chapter 16

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🍕i'm having a writers block🍕

Panic is natural.

As we walk back to the hotel, he seems oddly nervous.

I glance at him occasionally, but his mind seems elsewhere.

His grip on my hand becomes extremely tight as we cross the street.

When we reach the side walk, I turn to him abruptly.

His eyes are up and I run my thumb across his to get his attention down on me.

He notices the stop and quickly glances down.

He looks back up and I steer his face down to mine.

"Hey...You okay?" I ask.

He nods and glances around nervously.

"Hey... Hey... What's up?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Inside." He mutters and I step quickly into the lobby.

"What?" I ask gently as I guide him to the couch.

"Water." He says and I grab my water bottle out of my bag.

I hand it to him and he sips little bits, staring into space.

"Dean? Are you okay?" I ask, rubbing his arm.

He continues to stare.

I quickly pull out my phone and text Roman.

Please get down to the lobby he's doing the thing again.

I put my phone down and look up at him.

He's crouched into his knees, his hands on his head.

His eyes are clenched shut and his teeth are chattering.

"Hey. Hey." I move below him, standing on my knees in between his legs.

I take his hands and put them into mine, looking up.

"Hey. It's okay. It's okay." I curl his hair behind his ear.

His face is wet with tears and I frown.

"Everything's going to be alright." I say gently, wiping tears from his face with my thumbs.

He shifts his shiny blue eyes onto mine and they're simply a mix between sadness and anger.

My phone buzzes and I reach back for it, not breaking eye contact.

I see him glance down at the bright screen and I use the opportunity to look at it.

Getting dressed. Be down soon.

I don't take the time to respond and place it down, grabbing his face with my hands.

"What's up?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"Dean. Please." I beg gently.

"You're so pretty." He grunts.

"Thank you. I mean. What's happening?" I ask.

"Nothing. My head is weird." He says, recovering and shifting upward.

He pulls me upward with him and makes sure I catch myself before diving awkwardly into my lips.

Sloppy kiss after sloppy kiss occur, me beginning to slide onto his lap.

Before long, I'm straddled on his lap while his nose drags along my face, different length and head movements of kisses dragging the time on.

Before long Roman is by our side.

He casually waits and sits on the couch next to us, playing on his phone.

I begin to further away, the length of kisses shortening.

"I love you." I whisper against his lips, opening my eyes.

"I love you too." He whispers, opening his eyes as well.

"You guys done?" Roman asks.

"Yea-yeah." I laugh as I shift off of his lap.

He hugs me when he gets up and grabs my bag for me, handing it to me.

"Thank you." I mumble and slide my hand into his.

We walk to the elevator, Roman busy on his phone in front of us.

We wait for an elevator.

I bend my arm up, locking us closer.

"I love you." He whispers as he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too." I smile at him.

The elevator doors open and we jump in, a mother with a toddler adding to us.

Dean rubs his thumb against mine as I glare at the child.

The toddler wonders over to me and I drop to my knees, smiling at her.

Her black hair bounces as she hugs me and I hug back lightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The mother apologizes, trying to get the toddler off of me.

"It's fine." I laugh.

"She loves kids." Dean mumbles and the mother smiles.

I play little hand games with the toddler in the corner, close to the ground.

She grins as I laugh, giggling too.

She looks at me with big eyes and Dean looks down at us.

The elevator opens and I hug her goodbye.

She waves and the mother smiles gently, waving goodbye.

I stand back up and wipe myself off.

"Wow." Dean says, staring at the wall.

"Kids really do love you." Roman finishes for him as our floor opens.

I smile gently and look down, grasping Deans hand again.

We walk to our door and can hear the music blasting from inside the room..

"Oh god." Roman mumbles as he unlocks the door.

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