Chapter 17

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🍕I'm trying to keep up with this shit.🍕


I'm actually quite startled when I see Jessica is there as well, dancing with Seth crazily.

They are really good together.

It's cute.

"At least it's good music." Dean mumbles as he kisses my head.

I grin up at him and he stops me by kissing me.

Roman switches the music off and they stop dancing to look at us.

Jessica runs over and hugs me.

"You've gotten so tall." I laugh as she squeezes me.

"I think you've shrunk so shut up." She laughs and hugs me tighter.

"I'm happy you're with him." I mumble into her shoulder.

"So am I." She giggles and furthers from me.

She moves to Dean calmly and shakes his hand.

She pulls him in for a hug.

I hear her mumble something and further, grinning at him.

He gives her wide eyes.

"What did you-" I ask but Dean cuts me off.

"She said if I hurt you she'd rip my throat out." He laughs nervously.

She smiles at me and I laugh.

"Seth already knows I'll be on his ass if he hurts you so." I mumble.

She smiles and Seth moves over smoothly, wrapping his hands around her waist.

"Seth, she isn't a slut. Don't treat her like one." I tell him before walking back to Dean.

"Damn." Dean laughs, looking down at me.

"Damn, indeed." I say, laughing.

"Love you." I whisper and he dabs my lips before saying it back.

We all stand awkwardly.

"Poor lonely ass Roman." Seth laughs, draping his hand over my shoulders.

Roman looks at us and shakes his head.

I tilt mine and he shakes it again.

I shrug it off and he does as well.

He grabs his phone and texts something.

My phone buzzes and Dean hands over the bag.

I dig it out and hit the button.

Roman has texted me and I open it.

"Broke up." Is all it says and I frown at him.

"Sorry." I type back and he shrugs in response to it.

"Oh, shit. I have to go. To work. Working the night shift. I'll see you later." Jessica waves and I raise my eyebrows, waving goodbye.

"I need a martini. She's got me too stirred up." Seth laughs as he plops on the couch.

I laugh nervously and Dean questions me.

"Lilly? Can I talk to you for a minute?" Roman asks and I nod, letting him lead me to his room.

Once he closes the door, he turns around and hugs me.

I awkwardly rub his back.

"It's okay." I whisper and he nods, furthering away from me.

"I really loved her and she just said it wasn't working and-" he started, flung staring down.

"It's alright. Sit down." I guide him to the bed.

"Did you do anything before she texted you?" I ask.

"No. Not really. I invited her to get a hotel room for a night as to, Ya know, get lucky a few days ago and she said she would think about it but that's it." He says.

"She might've thought it was too early to get intimate and you were pushing it." I suggest lightly.

"But she said she loved me and I told her if anything was going too fast she could say and I wouldn't mind." He says.

"I'm sorry-" I begin.

"No. It's fine." He hurries.

"It sucks being dumped like that, I know. Especially when things were getting good. If she doesn't think it's right then it's not. Simple as that. You'll find someone. She'll be amazing and sweet and absolutely perfect for you." I tell him, smiling.

"Really?" He asks.

"Of course. You'll find her. She's out there looking for you. You're looking for her. The greatest thing that can ever happen to a person is stumbling upon them." I smile.

"I can only think of one girl like that." He sighs.

"I know Paige was-" I begin.

"You." He interrupts as he locks onto my lips.

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