Chapter 32

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🍕I've been busy and when I go on wattpad I just work on my other story.🍕

When we arrive, we run to get changed.

We are already late.

I change and look around for someone to ask who, if anyone, I'm up against.

"Need help, dove?" Bray asks.

I turn around and he's down the hallway, his fedora tucked low over his eyes.

"Not from you." I smile sarcastically.

"C'mon don't be like that. I can probably help." He says kindly.

I give him a strange look and he grins, shifting around and sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Ask away, little one. I don't bite." He teases.

I step towards him cautiously.

"Do you... Um... Know if I'm fighting tonight?" I ask, stuttering.

"You are." He bit his lip, shifting on his feet.

"Do you know who?"

"You're up against Summer Rae." He smirks.

"Thank you..." I say slowly, walking into the locker room once again.

"No problem." He smiles.

I huff as I push open the door.

I sit on the bench and brace my head in my hands.

What the fuck is up with him.

"Hey, you okay?" Paige suddenly sits next to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just confusing men." I laugh.

"Oh trust me, I know." She grins.

"Want to go get some food?" She asks.

"Yeah sure." I laugh.

"Oh shit you need makeup don't you?" She asks.

"Ugh yeah. I hate that process." I laugh.

"I need mine too it's fine we can go together." She says as we walk to the makeup room.

We talk while our makeup is done.

She talks about a match she has tonight.

"You know, I hate when you have to wrestle friends. You're honestly afraid to hurt them. Although you know their capabilities really well, you don't hurt someone you love. You just don't." She thinks mindlessly.

"I feel ya." I mumble softly.

"So how have you and Dean been?" She asks.

"Uhm." I say as we stand.

"Problems?" She asks and I shrug.

"I don't know. I think Bray's getting in my head." I say as we walk to catering.

"How?" She asks.

"He says Dean's cheating on me. I don't know, Roman says he isn't and I don't think that's Dean like but there's photos of him with another girl..." I say.

"They might be old. I never got Dean as the cheating type. He loves you too much. I wouldn't worry about it." She smiles at me.

"I'm trying." I laugh and we grab salads.

We eat and talk about randomness for awhile.

"By the way, I'm against summer tonight, right?" I ask.

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