Chapter 33

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🍕and God I'm fucking tired of this story.🍕



Bray was right.

I turn around and feel sick to my stomach.

I hold in tears as I walk away, his yelling echoing through the hallways.

He turns to me quickly but I'm in a daze.

"Lilly- no- this isn't-" He explains as he turns me.

I slap his face and hurry away as he stutters from the blow.

Tears begin to flow as I feel my
Heart being ripped out.

I finally begin to come to senses and he runs behind me.

I dodge into a random office room and lock the door.

He bangs on it and I sit on the desk, crying into my hands.

"Lilly- no- please this isn't what it looks like- please come out." He begs, banging on the door.

I hear security come and get him as I lay down.

This isn't happening.

This can't be.

This is a nightmare.

This can't be real.

I hit my head on the floor.

Wake up. Wake up.

Wake fucking up.

I cry as I roll up in a ball.

I clench my stomach and shiver as I cry.

My jaw clanks uncontrollably.

I clench my teeth and whine.

I close my eyes and begin to calm down.

He didn't mean anything.

He never did.

But I love him.

I hit the ground in anger.

I gasp when I hear a door open.

I duck as a side door becomes apparent with a figure.

I try to wipe my tears and hide.

"Darling, no need." I hear his rich southern accent say.

"Not the time, Bray." I choke.

"Come out, little one."

I slowly get up and look around for him.

"Boo." He says as he grabs my hips.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I yell as I hit him in the chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Is this some kind of game? What do you want from me? Can't you see this isn't the time?" I yell at him.

Before he can answer I'm buried in his chest, crying hysterically.

"There, darling. It hurts, doesn't it? Seeing the one you love most just leave like that?" He asks as he holds my head to his chest.

I shake my head and mumble sorry.

"Sorry?" He asks.

I pull away and look up at him.

"I'm sorry." I say plainly.

"For?" He asks, wiping away my tears with his thumbs.

"Everything." I say, glaring into his eyes.

"Why?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Because you deserve better." I answer like a little child.

"I do. I do deserve better. I deserve for you to be mine. Do you know how hard it's been? I couldn't find you. Abigail wouldn't let me. She didn't want us to go through the pain of a failed relationship and I fought and fought and by the time I was allowed you were gone. You were gone for all time. I couldn't love you for the sake of a broken heart and let me tell you, Abigail was smart in teaching me that. You broke my heart." He says cruelly.

"But I'd be honored for you to break my heart everyday for the rest of my life." He adds.

"Lilly, I love you. All I've ever wanted was you and I together. Living in isolation, maybe with little baby feet stomping around. I'll change for you if you want me to- I'll go back to who I was- I just need you." He pleads.

"Bray-" I choke.

"Don't change for me. Don't change for anyone. You don't need me." He obliges but I quickly move on.

"You should've been smart and given up on me. You've spent your life wasting away with the thought of me. Don't ever say you'd love to have your heart broken because that just rips my own heart out. Abigail was right. And it's almost funny that you say you love me. You shouldn't dare say you love me or even tell me that you cared. You knew what you were doing and you know just what you've done. Maybe you liked me. Maybe you loved the thought of being with me. But you destroyed me. You've broken my heart too many times and for that, I know you don't love me. You don't hurt someone you love." I say, keeping my glare on his eyes as tears begin to fall.

"I wish I could fix this." He whispers.

"So do I." I blink away a tear.

"Let's fix it then." He says, crushing his lips onto mine.

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