Chapter 3 Do you have the time to listen to me whine?

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"Soooo" great start Korin, "What are you doing here in a good for nothing town like this ?" I asked. I genuinely wondered why the hell he was here, not that I minded. "Well we kinda got lost Y'know and then the bus broke down and well here I am. Mike and Tre were supposed to find out where we are and I have no clue where they've got to." He sighed, clearly worried about his friends and band mates. We continued to walk, we were a little way from my house when he started asking me question about life and stuff.
"So what's home life like?" He asked and I didn't know how to respond. I mean life at home isn't he best. Me and my mum are always arguing and since my grandad died I haven't been the happiest of people. "It depends if you have the time, to listen to me whine" I stated not realising I had quoted Basket-case. "Err sorry didn't mean to say that" he just chuckled before turning back to Serious Billie. I was slightly anxious as I didn't want to be judged but then again why would he? "Well it's not the best at the moment. My mother and I don't see eye to eye and it's just us two at home. So not good but it could be worse." I said looking off distracted. The only advantage was my job. I worked in an local sports bar and the landlord knew my grandad so he went easy on me. "I'm sorry to hear that, but what's wrong between you and your mum?" He asked tilting his head. This was going to take a hell of a long time. "Let's just say she isn't happy with me being differant and all this other stuff. That's actually why I was out this morning. She took my amplifier out of my practice room so yeah." He seemed surprised at this. We walked in silence for the rest of the way. it wasn't awkward silence just nice comfortable silence.

We came to my house and I opened the small wooden front gate. Billie followed as I shut the gate. "DONT SLAM THAT BLOODY GATE KORIN" I heard my mam yell. I sighed looking down. Billie just looked at me. "Told ya" I said walking past him and to the front door. I threw the handle down and walked in. Billie was just standing there not daring to enter. "Dude don't worry just come in." I laughed pulling him in by his arm. My mother instantly came into the hall way glaring at me. She knew who GreenDay was but I wasn't sure if she would recognise Billie. "Mum-Billie. Billie-Mum" I said doing the correct hand gestures. "You look oddly familiar" my mum squinted at Billie and then looked at me. "Yeah he will mum go look at the posters on my music room door and then try again" I said rolling my eyes. Her mouth dropped at the sudden realisation. "How do you know my daughter" she furrowed her brow trying to think of any possible way . "Err Bus Korin walk here" he face-palmed and looked at me for help. "Dropped some words there Billie?" He shoved my shoulder jokingly. "mam il explain everything later but right now I gotta use the phone so two mins" I attempted to enter the living room but as usual she pulled me back. Her hand motioned to the two suitcases next to us. I forgot she was gong today. She was going to visit my brother at college and see some family in London. My mum was going to be gone for one month and I was going to stay home.
"When do you leave?" I looked up slowly. "Now ! So il see you in a month" I gave her a light hug and she walked out. Just like that.

Half an hour later we figured out where Mike and Tre were. It turns out they were about twenty minutes away at some bar in the next town. Also, the bus company couldn't supply a bus for another week and they couldn't find anywhere to stay. That's how GreenDay ended up living with me for a week. So we had a plan. Mike and Tre would come home but before hand buy a shit load of alcohol. Me and Billie would go to the closest shop and buy food..and That's what we did.

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