16. Britt +1

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Over the next couple of days me and Britt hung out a lot while the guys were at practice. She was so awesome. We were really close after only a few days. Mike and Billie seemed to be happy that we had each-other while they were away. Today we were going to pop out to Starbucks and maybe swing by the studio to see the guys. It was ten in the morning so I headed over to Mikes where Britt was.

"Hey girl." Britt welcomed me as she opened the door. "Hey, someone looks awesome as usual." I laughed. We walked into the kitchen and chatted for a bit. She seemed a bit nervous but I brushed it off. We decided we would walk to Starbucks since it was a nice day. She gave her blonde hair a quick brush before we left. "I love your hair." I said randomly." Aw thanks, I like yours too." She smiled as we stepped into Starbucks. The smell of coffee hit me hard. I got our orders and took them to a table Britt was sat at. She looked uncomfortable as some guy was trying to chat her up. "Er dude." I coughed, he turned around and gave me a disapproving look. Why would I care what he though, I had Billie. "She's taken." I hissed. "Oh by who you?" He snapped. Britt stood up. "Yeah, now leave me and my girlfriend alone!" She snapped back. He walked away muttering 'trust me to pick a lesbian'. When he was out of view me and Britt burst into laughter. That was truly hilarious. We high fived. "Nice one sister." I applauded. "Thank you thankyou" she fake bowed. Then she turned nervous again.

"What's up, you seem a lil nervous?" I asked. She bit her lip. "Well, erm." She thought hard. "I-I'm pregnant." She sighed. I squealed. " Ooo no way, this is so exciting," I smiled. Her face lit up a little. "You think so?" I nodded. We went threw all the details and she slowly got more excited. "When you gonna tell Mike?" I questioned. She shrugged. "If you can distract the guys when we go to the studio, il tell him then." I agreed and we finished our drinks.
We walked over to the studio but Britt stopped out side. "I can't do this." She sighed. I sat her down next to me on the steps. "Yes you can, don't worry. I know Mike will be happy for the both of you." She nodded and we stood up. All I needed to do was distract the guys when Brit gave me the nod.

We walked into the practice room to see the guys sat on the red leather sofas. "Hey, you lazy asses should be working." I teased. Billie shot up and ran towards me. "Heey" he smiled and attacked me with kisses. He eventually found my lips. I smiled into the kiss. I pulled away and saw the rest of them smiling and talking. "I'm going to go practice that drum solo for the next song." Tre said going off Into another room. Britt gave me the nod, "I'm just gonna take Billie outside for a quick talk."i said, Britt nodded and Billie followed. Great now I needed to elaborate on this! Il just make out with him, that all ways distracts Billie. "So what ya wanna talk about?" Billie asked while he rested his hands on my waist. "Nothing in particular, I just missed you" I blushed. He awed and lifted my chin with his finger. I leaned in and our lips met. He ran his tongue  over my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied him. I felt him try again but again I refused. I could feel him tense up. "Aww come on babe." He complained. I giggled. "Heh, you gonna have to Catch me then." I turned to run but Billie kept a firm grip on my waist.
I struggled but he didn't budge. He span me around and tried again. He nipped my waist playfully which forced me to open up. He slid his tongue into my mouth and they had a mini battle. He leaned in and depend the kiss. We pulled away, breathless.
"You really missed me." He laughed. I nodded. There was a loud bang. We looked to the doors.

"GUYS GUYS GUYS!" It was Mike. I smiled knowing what was coming. "What dude, calm down." Billie yelled. I hit him over the head. "IM GOING TO BE A DAD.!!" He screamed. After a round of 'congratulations' and hugs, Britt came out. "You did it then" I whispered as Mike and Billie chatted. "Yeah." She laughed. Tre came running out and the same round of hugs and congratulations happened. "Okay, I'm gonna take This one home, there's some un-finished business we have to.. Finnish." Billie winked. I stood there in pure shock. He did not just say that. Mike and Tre high-fived him. I glanced over to the pool and then Britt. She nodded. We both grabbed Billie and somehow got him to the pool. "1.. 2... 3.." We threw Billie into the pool. I felt someone grab my shirt and I hit the warm water. I spluttered until I came to the top. "Cannon Ball!!"Tre ran up and jumped in beside us. Mike was lurking behind Britt. "Britt !!" I yelled. It was too late but she managed to drag Mike in as well.

After ten minuets, we were all dried and home. I sat in the car with Billie. "I'm so happy for Mike and Britt." I said. He nodded, "me too, would you ever want a kid?" I was taken back by the question. "Erm, I suppose but not yet." I decided. "Oh yeah, but in the future I mean." He laughed. "It depends." I sighed. He cocked his head in confusion. "The bands extremely famous and I'm just a nobody, there are millions of girls better than me and--" Billie cut me off. "No, I don't care what other girls look like. In my eyes you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I don't want or need anybody else."he smiled and held my hand. I smiled and gave up, I was very lucky to have someone so amazing in my life.

AN Yey another update, finally. Hope u enjoyed it x

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