19 FRANK !!

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It was 7 am and We had stopped outside of some town so whilst the guys went to get food I sat with Frank in the MCR tour bus. He was acting a little panicked but I just tried to ignore it. "So, what gigs have you got lined up after the tour?" I asked. He shook his head, "we don't have any. Time to spend with the family I suppose." He frowned. "What's up?"i asked again. He stayed silent so I moved closer. I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Dude something's up, your like a brother to me, please." I begged. He tensed for a moment. "That's  the problem, girls only see me as a brother. I don't have a girlfriend and when I start to like someone, they are with a guy already." He pored out. "Who Do you like?"i questions, slightly curious. Before I could continue I felt his lips on mine. I stayed still in shock and then pushed back. "WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed. He turned white and looked behind me. I looked too and saw Billie and the guys.

I got up to explain to Billie but he stormed off to our bus. I looked at Frank pissed, I raised my hand and attempted to slap him but stopped. "I can't." I stopped. He looked pained. "You saw that right, I pushed away" I whispered. "Don't worry Korin, I will  talk to Billie for you real quick." Mike gave me a sympathetic smile. I nodded slowly. I turned to see Frank had retreated to his bunk and Tre had followed Mike. The guys had gone to talk to frank so I was left alone with Gerard. I felt my eyes sting as a tear rolled down my cheek. Realisation hit, Billie would hate me. I fell to the floor and hugged my knees. I felt Gerard at my side. "W-what The h-hell. I'm p-pregnant for gods s-sake," I stuttered. Gerard stayed silent, he just sighed. The guys came out and I stood up. "Gee what are we gonna do. That wasn't right and I can't think of an excuse to give him." Mikey stated.

Gerard shook his head as Mike and Tre appeared. "Hey" I whispered. Mike motioned for me to follow him, so I did. We stood outside the Greenday tour bus and he started talking. "Look, he's pissed as hell. It would be best if you told him what happened." He sighed. I looked down and nodded. "You saw what Happened tho. I pulled back straight away." I cried. Mike nodded and hugged me. I looked at the bus and sighed. I slowly made my way onto the bus. I saw Billie with his head in his hands. "Billie," I said softly. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" He yelled. I felt scared and backed up a little. "Look, what you saw there was Frank making a move but guess what?! I pulled away because I love you." I felt more tears fall. He looked up, his eyes red from crying. "I'm so sorry" he cried and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me. We stayed like that for a while. "Billie, why would I do anything when I'm pregnant with your kid? That's proof enough I love you." I sighed. He nodded and pulled back.

All of MCR (not Frank) and Mike n Tre came into the bus. "All sorted?" Asked Tre. We smiled and nodded. "What about him?" Questioned Billie, clearly meaning Frank. Gerard shrugged, "we don't know. What he did isn't right but we can't exactly do anything. He won't leave his bunk." He sighed. "You should just stay clear of each other" Ray suggested. I nodded and sat on the sofa. I felt a jolt in my stomach and ran to the bathroom where I started to throw up. I felt someone hold my hair back.
"Thanks Billie" I managed. "Are you okay? " He asked worried. I nodded. "What time is it?" I asked. Billie looked at his watch. "Eight in the morning." He said confused. "Must me morning sic---" I was cut off by hurling again. I brushed my teach and cleaned up.

The busses had to leave so the MCR guys left. I got a text from Gee
Frank won't leave his bunk, maybe it's a good thing to let him think.
Okay, I'm beyond mad but I can't to anything, can I. Il just try and forget.
Good. Are you felling better?
yeah thanks Gee, Even for just caring.
Okay, the rest of us are always here for you.
Thanks Gee, talk later gonna have some dinner. C Ya
C Ya .

I locked my phone and stood up, "what you want for dinner guys?" I asked. They all shrugged there shoulders. "Frozen pizza it is." I decided. I made us all dinner and we just sat around eating it . I sat leaning on Billie, he kept a firm but loving grip on my shoulder. Once me and Billie had finished, I dragged him over to our room. "Just want a quick chat guys, won't be long."i yell to the other two. They nodded, more interested in the TV. I thought I should give Billie something after today's event.
Billie sat on the bed and looked at me. "What's up? He asked. I shrugged "nothing just wanted to replace the felling of something "I stated and sat next to him. He looked confused "what like?" He asked "this" I simply said and pulled him into me so our lips met. It got heated quickly and we had a ten minute make out session. Once we were done he turned to me. "Wow, I love you." He said. I smiled, "I love you too and Only you."i said. He nodded and we fell asleep hugging.

AN awwwwww it was all good by the end. I was debating weather to make Billie pissed but didn't.

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