21 the first appointment

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-1 month later-
I awoke next to Billie as usual, I groaned at the sight of myself. My hair was in a red mess and my mascara was smeared down my face . Suddenly, a pair of tattooed arms wrapped around me. I gasped at the sight of Billie, I didnt expect him to be awake " Making your mascara bleed. Tears down your face. Leaving traces of my mistakes"
Billie sang. I laughed lightly and joined in "if I promise to go to church on Sunday, will you go with me on Friday night." I sang. We herd yelling as the door burst open, "if you live with me il die for you and this compromise." Tre chimed in. I watched as Mike pulled out this over hyper Tre. I turned pale realising what day it is, "Billie we gotta hurry." I demanded as I jumped out of bed. He gave me a puzzled look. I pointed to my slight bump. "Doctors" I explained, he formed an 'o' with his mouth and jumped from the bed.

We had been on tour for almost two months. So that meant another six and a half months of touring and eight till I was due. We walked threw the hospital doors, that weird smell hit me. The one all hospitals have, I shuddered and walked down the grey tiled corridor. I reached the end and approached a young blonde nurse sitting at the desk. I mentally rolled my eyes but put on a smile and signed us in. She winked at Billie to which i protectively latched onto his arm, she smirked. "Wenzel" a doctor shouted. We both stood up and Billie frowned. "What?" I whispered, he shook his head.

I laid on the bed thingy whilst the doctor put this weird blue stuff on my stomach. We all looked toward this small monitor. It showed black and white only, well grey. A small heart beat was recorded next to it. "It looks like the baby is healthy and there's no complications." The doctor smiled. "What happens next?" Billie asked. "You need to make another appointment in about two moths to find out the gender if you like or just make checkups every few weeks" the doctor replied. We both nodded and I got up, pulling my shirt over my little bump.

We passed the same nurse on the way out, she winked at Billie causing him to shift uncomfortable. I grabbed his hand and looked at her then pointed to Billie and then myself. "Mine" was all I said as we walked out.
We walked back onto the bus to see the MCR guys. I noticed Frank glued to his phone at the side of the table. I mentally growled and walked up to Gee and hugged him. "All good?"he asked, flipping his red hair out of the way. I nodded "healthy and happy." I chirped. He smiled, obviously happy. Over the last month, he has grown more and more like a brother to me. "What's going on today Geetard?" I enquired. That was his recent nickname. "Got one concert tonight then three nights free." He answered. "Can I come?"i questioned like a little child, slightly eager. Mikey smiled at me "please gee" Ray and Mikey pleaded. "If it's okay with Billie, it's okay with me." He patted my head. "hey, ima grown human, not a child" I giggled and skipped off to find Billie. That was hard, being pregnant and all. (Skipping not finding Billie) .

"Billllllliiiieeee" I dragged as I found him talking to Mike and Tre about there next show. He turned and wrapped his arm around my waist "yeeeessss" he said equally long. "Can I go to the MY Chem show tonight?" I begged. He thought for a moment, a frown on his face. "Okay but stay away from Frank and if he starts,get Gee or someone to sort him, okay" he said and kissed my head."Thankyou"i smiled and kissed his forehead.

"he's cool with it." I shouted to the general clump of people on the bus. I was pretty tired so a nap would be good. I slumped next to Gee and Mikey, yawning. "You tired?" Mikey laughed. "Oh my god!" I whispered to which everyone gave me a weird look. "Mikey Way just smiled ! " I said astonished. He did it again! "Two baby unicorns have just been born!" I squealed. Frank scoffed "unicorns aren't real!" He said flatly. Mikey looked pissed ! "You shouldn't have said that" I joked looking at Mikey who was close to tears. He may have been tall but he wasnt heavy. I put him on my lap and rocked him back and forth, rubbing his back. "There there, it's all okay" I hushed him. Billie, Mike and Tre walked back in. "What's up?"Mike asked. I pointed to Frank "unicorns" was all I said.

I eventually took my nap but in my bed instead of the sofa. I felt someone shaking my side. I opened my eyes to see Billie, "heya"i quietly greeted. "The MCR guys are going to the show soon, you wanna get ready?" I nodded and stood up, pushing Billie out. I changed into some black ripped skinny jeans and a black parade shirt that said 'May Death Never Stop You!' And the skelington underneath. I brushed my hair and teeth and applied some heavy eyeliner and black lipstick. "Ready" I yelled as I left the bedroom.
"Come on" Ray smiled and we linked arms. "Fro Fro"i laughed and poofed his fro up. Everyone laughed exepted.. You guessed it. Frank. I sighed loudly, sick of him already I thought.

I stood side stage as MCR played, they were amazing ! Gee did a little thing at the end, saying how important human life is and how nobody is alone. I smiled as a tear roled down my face. It was beautiful. I hopped back onto the bus and said bye to the guys, it was pure commotion ! Mike was pacing back and forth, looking very ill while Billie rubbed his back and Tre... Tre was sat silent for once.

AN oooo cliff hanger. And do you guys mind that MCR are in a lot. Comment what Ya think xx

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