Chapter9: the first show.

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We had gotten to the first show a day later. It was in London so of course things would be hectic. Sound checks, outfits and meet n greets. We had just arrived at the arena and straight away the guys were rushed off for sound checks. I sat backstage and found the TV. I flicked threw but nothin good was on. 30 minutes later they all came back. They went threw the set list and stuff, nothing major. We all sat and talked until a stage hand came in "your on,like now" he said. Billie gave me a kiss then got up with Mike and Tre.

I stood at the side of the stage and watched. It was amazing ! They opened with Jesus of Suburbia. I listened as Billies voice blasted threw the speakers.
I'm the son of Rage and Love,
The Jesus of Suburbia
The bible of none of the above
On the steady diet of...
It was pure awesome. I loved every minute of it. They finally closed with Oh love. the crowd went crazy! They were more popular in England then what I had thought.

The guys came back sweating their butts off. Billie came to give me a hug but I avoided it sharply. "What?!" He asked concerned. "You're all sweaty and nasty!" The three look at eachother. "Group Hug!!" Tre practically screams. I had no choice but to run as fast as I could to the tour bus outside. I lept on and closed the door, then I ran into mine and Billies room. I heard someone's footsteps, turns out they were Billies. I hid under the blanket and hoped he would go away. "Hmm I wonder where korin is?" He said in a smart ass tone of voice. "Don't be a smart arse!" I mumbled. I heard a sigh. "Fine il go take a shower" Billie complained

About an hour later, Bille,Mike and Tre came out to the main room showered and clothed. I had started making something to eat because we were all starving. "What ya cooking?" Mike questioned. "Pasta, now hands off. You will get it later" I scolded. The three guys sat in front of the TV happily. 
We finished Eating and Mike said he would wash up. I was quite tired so I went to bed, followed by a sleepy Billie. "What time is it?" He groaned. I looked over at the alarm clock. It was 3 in the morning already! "Wow, it's three already!" I yawned. He didn't reply but I heard light snoring,he must have fell asleep. How adorable. 

AN sorry. This is just a filler chapter because it's taking so damn long to get to the main parts. Again sorry x

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