2-C1) Viva La Gloria !

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I sat up sharply in bed. My legs felt damp. Oh No.
"Billie... Billie... BILLIE !!!" I screamed shaking him. "What.... Wait have you pissed the bed !?" He sounded shocked. "No you idiot. The baby's coming!" I panicked. He nodded quickly and grabbed the hospital bag we packed, spare clothes n toothbrushes etc.
He helped me downstairs quickly but painfully. I managed to get seated as we headed for the hospital. I screamed occasionally which causing bIllie to Swerve the car.

When we got there I was Immediately put into a wheelchair and sent to a room, A13.
The doctor and a few nurses checked everything over. "Do you want the painkilling injections or natural?" They asked. "Natural" I replied. After a while they allowed Billie in. "Now Mr.Armstrong, I need you to hold her hand and tell her to breath." The doctor instructed Billie. "Now Push!". 
--TIME SKIP. Like idk how long it takes --

"Hey sweetheart, I'm your mummy. I'm the one who cooks and cleans. But this is your daddy, now he is very cool. He is in a punk band called Greenday and is very short but loud ." I rambled on. I was tired and sweaty, Billie chuckled. "Why don't you sleep un till the guys come, okay? I will sort out the birth certificate." He suggested. I nodded. "Billie," he turned to face me "Gloria Armstrong." I smiled. Clearly happy, he walked out whilst I slept with my baby girl on my chest.

I heard soft mumbles and then a click. I opened my eyes to see everyone. Mike,Tre, Britt and the MCR guys. "What are you all doing here?" I whispered, making sure to not wake the Baby. "Here to see out new nice, of course." Frank squealed. I laughed lightly. "Okay, Britt. You wanna go first?" I held Gloria forward to Britt. She took her and grinned, stroking her head. "She looks just like you two. What colour are her eyes?"  I never thought. I shrugged "I hope there like Billies." I sigh happily. Everyone takes a turn of the baby- Mike, Tre, Ray,Mikey, Frank then Gerard. As Gee picked her up I saw a tear roll down his cheek, he brushed it away. "What's the matter?" Worry in my voice.
"I'm so proud of you." His voice cracks. I beckon him towards me. he hands Gloria to Billie and rushes forward to hug me. Everyone leaves as we have our little episode.

I end up crying too.
"Y'know Gee, I never really had a father and even tho your only a little older than me you've become like a dad to me. You're always there when I need you and I can tell you anything. I love you so much and If anything happens to me and Billie, I want you to look after Gloria. is that okay?" Tears continue to spill over both our cheeks. He nods silently. Them he speaks up. "Of course I will but nothing will ever happen. I'm beyond proud of you and Billie. Your my little girl, no matter what or who your real dad is. I love you too sweetie." He kisses my forehead and leaves. Billie walks in with Gloria as he passes Gee, he pecks her forehead to and waves goodbye. Taking carful delicate steps, Billie makes his way to the hospital bed. I feel it dip as he sat. He rested Gloria on my lap and interlocked our fingers.

"Everyone's gone home." He states. All that can be heard is the gentle snores from the baby. I only just noticed that the room is entirely white and has a faint smell of soap. I ran my hand threw my slightly knotted hair. "I love you two." I smiled. He stared at the baby. "We love you too." He leaned in and placed a small kiss on my lips and then one on Gloria's pink cheek. Her eyes slowly opened and revealed two beautiful green oceans. Yes, she has her fathers eyes. They were simply beautiful. She was a fairly long baby so maybe she would have my height. I sighed. Nineteen and a mum, I would have NEVER expected this or even wished to be this young but I know it was right. If something feels so strange, it has to be right.

AN sorry it's short. Gotta lot of stuff going on as usual.  Updates will be the same   One a week.  Comment and vote.  Need another female name. Not for a baby.  Comment a name you like or your name.  I don't mind which.    Luv u guys x

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