23 beleve what you see

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We had taken a few month out of touring so Mike and Britt could recover. During this time, me and Billie had found out the sex of the baby. We were having a little girl, the first few names didn't fit but then Tre came up with the best idea possible, strange for Tre. "Gloria" Tre yelled from his drum kit. I looked up from my book, "what? You just rehearsed that one." I cocked my head as he shook his. Mike wasn't here today, only me,Tre and Billie. "The baby, call her Gloria!" He repeated. I looked over to Billie who was smiling like an idiot. "That's amazing !" He cheered, it was awesome. "I love it !" I squealed. "Okay, that's that sorted. When are we going to do the room?" I asked with puppy dog eyes, I wanted to do it soon but Billie said to wait until we get back from touring. We went back in a week.
--- Time Skip--
The week had flown by and we had seen more of Mike recently. We all loaded the bus again and set off for tour. It was funny to think that a year ago I had just met the guys and got totally drunk and kissed Billie. Wow things had changed.actually, now that I think it was mine and Billies one year anniversary... In a week !! I was never one for romance and all that stuff so this would be weird.

"Billie." I called from our room. He walked in and nodded, "in a week it's well..." I felt awkward for some reason. He grinned showing his crooked teeth. I always liked those, don't ask why, I don't know myself. "I know, one year" he sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. "Yeah, can we maybe just... I don't like romantic stuff and yeah." I trailed off.
"Remember when we first met?" He giggled. I nodded "yeah, your bus broke down." I re called. We talked about what it was like when we first met and it cheered me up a lot.
"What would you say y'know if I wanted to get married?" Billie asked nervously. I admit I was shocked but stayed calm. "Of course I would say yes." I smiled, he Lent in as our lips brushed past each other. "Well, we will have to wait and see" he whispered as our lips connected. We were broke apart by my phone buzzing and the jolt of the busses engine.

The text was from Gee, they stopped touring at the same time so Frank could calm down, or so Gee explained. After out last meeting I was in no way excited to see Frank. We would meet the MCR guys in two hours at our first stop. I took this as a chance for a quick nap, so did Billie. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and his head on mine. His fluffy hair tickling my face.

We were woken by Mike and Tre saying we were here. I jumped up and ran outside with some new found energy. I leaped and latched onto Gerard, "GEETARD!" I yelled. He let out a deep chuckle "carful, remember your pregnant." He returned the hug and out me down. "How could I forget?"i stated rubbing my now large bump. "How long?" Ray asked. "A few months, when we stop touring" I smiled.
"I'm gonna be a proud grandad." Gee laughed. It was a nice thought considering I never really had a dad. We talked a bit longer before heading to the venue for sound checks.
It was huge, the sheer size of the place baffled me.Skilfully avoiding Frank, I managed to survive the sound check and show.

It was awesome to see all of them perform in one night. They all came of hot and sweaty. I sent Billie to the shower, refusing to hug him. He pouted but obliged. MCR had been in first so they came out quicker. I was talking to Mikey about unicorns, as usual, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I couldn't believe who I saw, Frank!
"What." I said bluntly, to which he sighed. "Can we talk?"he asked, I looked to Mikey and Gee who just nodded. "Fine" I groaned.

"Look, I wanted to apologise." He mumbled. "What?" I stated, with no emotion evident. "To apologise. I'm sorry for saying all those things last time and I'm sorry for all the other stuff. Like bitching and kissing you and Err.," he trailed off. I thought, second chances, right. "It's okay, I'm sorry for bitching too and well... Slapping you." I looked down ashamed. "It's fine, it was a good slap tho." We both laughed. Maybe things would look up. "Come on then shortie" I dragged him back over where everyone looked gobsmacked. "What?" We questioned in unison. They all shook their heads and shrugged.

That night I was sat with Billie on our bed, doing nothing. All we did was enjoy the silence and calmness for once. Our lives had a bit of normality, no screaming fans or pressure to rehearse. It was nice, well more than that. "I love you" I whispered as I entwined out hands and brought them up to my face. "I love you too" Billie replied and kissed our hands. "Forever and always." He added. Yeah it was cheesy but romantic all the same. As much as I hate romantic gestures , this one was different. More simple but meant so much more. Quietly, we fell asleep next to each other. Tomorrow was a full day of traveling so it was best to save our energy. I looked over to see Billie sleeping and smiled. I Truly loved this man with all my soul and I'm sure we will be great parents. I rolled over and let my eyes fall shut as sleep took over me. Life was getting better for me and it was all thanks to my hero, Billie Joe Armstrong.

AN That would be an amazing time to end this book and start a sequel. Yet I'm not gonna. I think il put a chapter in that simply states Part 2 of well that was unexpected.
It's strange to think all of this originated from a weird dream I had lol anyway. Thanks for the support .

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