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Andrea's POV:

I opened my eyes and noticed I layed in a big bed. I sat up and tried to get down but my feet were tied up with chains.

"What in the world?" I said as I tugged on the chains.

"You're not going anywhere my love." A familiar voice said. The room was dark so I tried to turn and see who it was and from where it came.

"Where am I? Why do you have me tied up?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, right. Here, better?" The lights went on and I saw I was in a bedroom. It was very fancy but small. I looked around and saw no one. "So. Make yourself comfortable since we'll have a long time here. Everything will come out like it's supposed to be."

"What? Look, let me see you and we can work things out." I said stopping to get away from the chains. I was scared and I didn't know what was going to happen to me.

"Fine." The voice said and then the doors in front of me opened. They revealed Ignazio.

"Nazio? Wha-why are you doing this to me?" I couldn't believe it. I tried to remember what happened before I got here and it was him. He had hit me in my head and basically kidnapped me.

"Shocked? I don't think you are. You see, I love you Andrea but you prefer Piero. Andrew also tried to get you back and he couldn't because of Piero. We formed a plan to bring you two apart but he got caught and we couldn't finish it. But luckily I'm here and I'll finish what we both started."

"You're sick! Let me go!" I started shouting.

"I can't do that. I called Piero and the other guys to come and rescue you but none have come. So that means you are here and you're mine now." Ignazio said.

"Don't be that sure Nazio. You can't say victory yet. Piero and the guys will come and rescue me. I know so."

"If you know so, then, why aren't they here yet? I called them like 5 hours ago." He raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"I know they'll come. You just wait." I said. I was more angry than afraid now. Ignazio wouldn't harm me if he so loves me.

"Well, I'll wait one more hour and if they aren't here by that time, you will become mine." He now stood right in front of me. I spat at him so he could get away from my face.

"You little... look, either you like it or not, you belong with me. Only me!" He screamed and left. I was sitting there trying to think of a way to get away from these chains.

I looked around and there were two nightstands,  one on each side of the bed. I stretched and stretched but failed. I sat there again but this time, I tried to think and know why Ignazio did this to me.

Piero's POV:

"You got everything in there?" I asked Gianluca.

"Yeah. But, is it necessary to take your dad's gun?" He asked. We had spent the last five hours trying to get the 5 thousand euros the stranger asked for Andrea's rescue.

"Yes. We never know what could happen and one of these could be useful." I said. Destiny packed the rest of the money in another suitcase. She was with us all the time and helped us know who Andrea's kidnapper was.

"Everything's ready guys." Destiny said as she zipped up the last bag.

"Ok. Let's go now. Gian, you have the address?" I asked.

"Yes, its in my phone.  I'll put it on the GPS so we can get there faster." Everyone took one bag and went to Gianluca's car. We drove for at least 30 minutes and stopped.

"Are you sure this is the address?" I asked Gian as I parked in front of a 10 floor apartment complex.

"Yes. The GPS says it's here." Gianluca looked up and showed me the phone. It was true, it was here.

"Well, let's go." We got off and walked in the building. A security guard welcomed us and we passed. We got on the elevator and once in, my phone rang.

'Go to the 8th floor. Knock on door 5D and wait.' The voice said. It hung up and I told the guys.

The elevator stopped and we slowly walked in the long hall of closed doors. 5B, 5C, 5D. I took a deep breath and said "Well, here goes nothing."

Hey guys! Sorry for my huge absence here. I've been busy with a bunch of other things and this other story called "Aducted by Loki". So here's a little bit more of the story! VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget


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