Possiamo Farlo Funzionare

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Andrew's POV:

"Why did she do that?" I asked Destiny as she headed towards a table with our trays of food.

"She's still mad at you. You know, why couldn't you just said you liked another girl instead of cheating on her?" Destiny asked.

"I didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her." I said.

"Oh, so  you just kept going out with her even though you had that other girl? That's just sick and pathetic. Anyways, that's in the past. So, what are you studying for?" she asked.

"I'm studying to be an engineer. And you two?"

"Well, I'm still with the singing stuff, which I'm pretty good at as you know. And Andrea is to the making of music stuff. She wants to have her own recording company." I knew She had noticed my smile.

"Cool. Hey, can I ask you something?" I made it sound serious.

"Yeah! What up or what?" She said.

"Um, well, when I saw Andrea. I- I think I still have feelings for her. You think she's accept me again?"

I saw Destiny's face in shock." I think you didn't listened to me. She is still mad at what you did to her, she basically won't accept you at all."

"But i can try again. I know what I did, and I regret it so much." There was a long silence.

"I won't stop you, but I warned you." We finished eating and went to our last class of the day.

Andrea's POV:

"I wish I could have paid for you, since I invited you." Piero said.

"Oh, don't worry. Anyways, it was a pleasure to have a nice company for dinner. By the way, the food was delicious. Hey, we could do this again, some other time if you want." I said since I knew he felt bad for me paying back at the pizza restaurant.

"Um, ok. So, what's you last class?" Piero asked me.

"It's Choir. My friend Destiny and I signed up for this same class at the same time."

"No way! I'm going there too. I only like it because i enjoy watching others having fun. No one really would know I'll be in that class." I saw his head look down, so I grabbed his hand and said "well, would you like to sit with me and my friend?"

I noticed he was surprised and speechless. "You don't have to if you don't want to, it's fine." i smiled and just entered the class. As soon as I saw Destiny, I headed her way. I saw another person sitting across from her, but I couldn't see who it was.  As I got closer to the table, I finally saw who it was.

"Andrew?" I said.


hey guys! here's a little chapter. sorry if it's kinda boring but i had to type it fast since my mom is yelling at me :( she just wants to use my computer lol! Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Prepare for the next chapter!!!! >:P

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