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*One month later*

Piero's POV:

It's been a month since the incident with Andrea. She had moved to Destiny's table, in Choir class, even though she just couldn't stand Andrew. She avoided me every time I saw her while walking to class. Ignazio and Gianluca stopped talking to me and Ignazio's bullying started again.

All I had in mind was Andrea. I had lost weight, I couldn't concentrate on my homework or class, and I barely spoke to anyone. One day, Maria came to my room and caught me crying.

"Piero? What's wrong? You know, you have me worried sick." Maria said. I sobbed a bit, trying to calm down.

"I'm not fine Maria. I can't help but to think in Andrea. I really love her and I need an explanation for what happened that night. And to end this worse... I'm getting teased on again. I just don't know what to do anymore!" I shouted and my sorrow grew bigger. I cupped my hands and placed my face in them and cried. I felt Maria come closer and hug me.

"I've never seen you like this for girl Piero. If the main reason is her... go talk to her. If she keeps avoiding you, you must insist and tell her how you feel, what you're going though right now. Scream it if you have to in order for her to actually listen to you." She sighed and added "Come on. Get dressed. It's saturday and its sunny out. I'm going to take you to a place where you'll forget all this for a bit."

I looked up and smiled as I sniffed and rubbed my tears away. "Ok. But I'm not really in the mood of anything."

"I will insist big brother." She smiled and left for me to get ready.

Andrea's POV:

Since the night of the kiss, I've been feeling strange. I also noticed that I was being followed. The strange texts kept on also. After I got home that night, I received a message saying:

'You didn't obey honey. Now you'll see the consequences.  Love: A.M & I.B'

The next morning,  I had received a call from Gianluca.  He said that he fell from the stairs and twisted his ankle. A week later,  Destiny got food poisoned,  and yesturday I heard Ignazio yellong at Piero behind the benches. Everyone around me was getting hurt, all because of my fault. I felt so guilty of what was going on around me. Everything was falling apart. My new friends got separated and even Destiny gave me some kind of silent treatment.  I had to clear my head out and think. I quickly took my purse and keys, put on some shoes, packed some stuff in a bag and left.

*Rabbit Beach* (true and beautiful beach in Italy)

I remember when my dad brought the whole family for vacation to this site. I was probably 7 years old when we last came. The clear blue beach, white sand and not many people knew about this place. Just perfect to relax and to clear up my mind.

I had fixed my beach blanket in the sand and placed my bag with my shoes on one corner. I looked at the water and said "Well. The water is waiting for me." I took off my long shirt and threw it on the blanket. I turned and ran a bit until noticed I had my phone in hand. I turned to go leave my phone in the bag, but I bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I heard.

"Oh, it's... Piero?" I said aa I looked up to see who it was.

"A-Andrea?!" He shouted.


Hey my beautiful people! Lol. Hope you guys are having a great day! Oh, and sorry for updating until now. VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Yeah it's short and not really that interesting lol ;) so, you must stay tuned cuz the good stuff if coming! ;)

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