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Piero's POV:

Everyone was having fun. Francis meet a girl by the fruit bar and stayed with her at her table, Maria just danced with my cousins, and my parents were either dancing or talking with my other relatives. I, meanwhile, stayed with Andrea in the table eating fruit and sighing at the people goofing in the dance floor.

"Piero!" I heard someone call my name so I turned to see who it was.

"Veronica! Wow, you look more precious from up close! Congrats!" I said as I got up to hug her and my new cousin.

"Who's the lovely lady?" Marco asked me.

"This is Andrea. A friend from college. Andrea, this is Veronica and Marco." They shook hands and I knew in that instant that they were going to get along.

"Hey. I never thought you had a girlfriend." Marco shoved me a bit. I smiled and said "No, she's just a friend."

"Uh huh, yeah, sure. So are you guys enjoying the evening?" He asked us.

"Yes, thank you so much. And congratulations on the wedding." Andrea answered.

"Well, I haven't seen you guys dance at least one song. You guys should go, it'll be fun. Like, look at Maria. She can't get off the dance floor!" Veronica laughed.

"Yeah. I guess we could dance later on." I said. Veronica hugged me again and said in my ear "But do it now" We broke apart and said again "Well, if you guys need anything just look around for us. Oh! And nice to meet you Andrea."

With that said the bride and groom left the table. "Well, I don't know how to dance much, but I do want to get off from this chair." Andrea said.

I smiled and replied "In that case, may I have this dance?" I bowed to her and stretched my hand to take hers. We laughed at my comment and she replied "You may." I took her hand and made our way to the dance floor laughing.


The last song had just ended but the next was a slow one. We looked at each other and automatically our smiles turned into awkward moment ones. I didn't hesitate much so I grabbed her right hand and intertwined it with mine. Her other her went up my shoulder and mine to her waist. We now faced directly to each other and I said "I would have liked to dance another song, but this works too."

"It's ok. I've never heard this song before." She smiled. I chuckled and we moved to our right. We rocked ourselves throughout the floor. The people started coming and dancing, surrounding us right in the middle. The couples in love made the atmosphere romantic and peaceful. I turned to see Andrea and her eyes meet mine. We smiled and her hand went up to the back of my neck. She slowly leaned on my shoulder and whispered my name.

"Yeah?" I managed to say since her voice ran though my body like a chill.

"Can this dance get any romantic?" I laughed since it was true and said "It may, but if you follow me, it'll be less romantic." She chuckled, but it sounded so different this time. I grabbed her hand and basically dragged her through the dancing couples and out to an opened door. It was a small balcony, the moonlight reflected in the ocean water below us, and the wind blew freshly.

"Wow!" Andrea said. I noticed I was still grabbing her from her hand so I let go. She moved to the wooden rail and leaned against it. "I never thought that Sicily's beaches were this beautiful."

I walked closer to her and stood by her side. "They are always beautiful. Day and night, summer or winter. Precious enough to enchant you for one night."

She looked away and now to me. "Piero, can I ask you something?" I froze. {Is she going to ask me of I like here? What do I say?}

"Yeah. Anything."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Yes. But it's different in every being. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Yeah, you're right. I was just wondering." She smiled and turned to look back at the ocean. I saw her hair flow with the breeze. A smile formed in her face and her eyes sparkled. {I can't resist this any longer. I must confess before I explode.} I took a step closer to her, grabbed her from the waist, turned her towards me and without a word... I kissed her.

Andrea's POV:

I was surprised at Piero as he kissed me. I wanted to get away but as he kissed me more passionately, I slowly let myself fall into the kiss. His lips upon mine, helped me forget where I was or what was going on around me, until I remember the message. I opened my eyes and pushed him away from me. "Piero!" I yelled, and without even thinking, I slapped him.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" He yelled.

" I don't want to hurt you or your family.... You... Don't do that again Piero!" I placed my hand on my mouth as I noticed what I just had said. I knew I wasn't suppose to tell him anything.

"What? What are you talking about? Andrea, I... I love you since the first time I saw you! What do you mean that you don't want to hurt me or my family?" He said. I knew he was angry and confused, but is just couldn't tell him why.


Hey everyone! Sorry I took so much time to update but I started college and i didn't have much time to write. So yeah, sorry. I told you this chapter was going to b a bit long. Hope you guys liked it. VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Piero just confessed his love to Andrea! Was! But, will she tell him wats wrong? What's going to happen in the future? :o

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