L'ho Trovata

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Piero's POV:

We went inside and found a man sitting still in a couch. He wore all black and a mask. His legs were crossed and a hand was stretched out in the sofa he sat on. He was waiting.

"I never thought you'll take this long to get here." He said.

"Oh shut it Ignazio! They know it's you." Destiny said and the guy sighed loudly.

"You had to open your freaking mouth." He said and stood up as he took off his mask. "Ta da!"

"Nazio. Where is Andrea?" Gianluca said. We have what you want so now tell us where she is."

"Let me see it first and then I'll tell you where she is." He pointed towards the table that was in front of him and we walked slowly to it.

We left the bags down and unzipped them. He scanned through them and looked at us with a mischievous smile. "You actually brought it all. Congratulations... for now." He sat back down and said "Andrea is in this apartment, so there you have it."

"Igni, we aren't playing. Tell us exactly where she is." I said as I did a fist in my side.

"I told you. Now you go and find her." He said and took a stack of euros and flipped through them. I turned around and looked at Gianluca.

"I'll go and search for her." I said.

"Are you crazy? I'm going with you." Gian said.

"Yeah, me too." Destiny said.

"No. You two stay here in case he decides to do something crazy. I'll go." I said. Gian and Destiny looked at each other with concern and nodded slightly.

"Just be careful okay?" Gianluca said and I nodded.

"I will." I said and started walking to a hall to search for Andrea. I took my dad's gun out from the back of my pants and started to open each door. After opening five doors and not having any luck finding her, I sighed as I stood in the last door.

I opened it slowly and saw Andrea tied up in a bed. Her arms were against the headboard, her mouth covered with a rag and her legs were tied to the bottom headboard. I ran to her side and started to untie her. She had started crying once she saw me.

"Piero! Oh Piero you came!" She shouted as I took off the rag from her mouth. She hugged me and I hugged her fast and kept untying her.

"Come on. We must go before Ignazio changes his mind." I said.

"What?" She asked confused. "He's not unconscious or taken by the police?"

I frowned and shook my head. "No, he clearly said he didn't want any surprises. Look, I brought my dad's gun in case he does something stupid."

"You're not going to kill him. I'm not going to let you." Andrea said.

"But why? Look what he has done to us."

"Yes I know. But have you thought that if the police comes, they'll find out you killed him and you'll go to jail." She said. I stayed quiet because she was right. What was I thinking?

"Alright. You have a point there. Let's just go and after we get you far from him, we'll call the police. Now let's go." I said and helped her get up and follow me.

We came out to the living room where it was strangely quiet. There also was no one in the room. "Stay here." I whispered to Andrea.

"No. I'll go with you." She said. I siges and nodded. "Just stay behind me." I pointed the gun out and started walking throughout the apartment. There was no one.

"What if he..."

"No. Don't say anything like that. We'll find them." I said as we cane back to the living room. I helped her sit down as I had noticed she was trembling. "Let me go get you some water."

I quickly went to the kitchen and filled a cup with some cold water. When I came back to give it to her, Ignazio was now standing across from her with a hand wrapped around her neck. "Take a step forward and she'll die." He said.

"Nazio. Please, just let her go. This is between us two, not her and us." I said and let the cup down in a small table. I had the gun in my pants so I reached my hand back while the other one, I raised it as in surrender.

"Walk!" He yelled and both of them moved towards the door. I moved to where a balcony door was and kept my hand up in the air.

"Please! Let me go Ignazio. You don't have to do this. They paid you already." Andrea said as she tried to get away from him. I noticed that he was hurt from his arm and a scratch was bleeding badly from the side of his head.

Probably Gianluca and Destiny put up a fight with him while I went for Andrea. "I don't want the money. I want you! You're the one that belongs with me and not with him. Why don't you understand that?" Ignazio said.

"Her heart belongs to someone else Ignazio. Understand that please! You can't make someone love you." I said.

"You shut up!" He shouted and tighten up his arm around her neck as her face was now turning red.

"You're going to kill her!" I shouted and took out the gun. I pointed it to him without any more hesitation.

"Piero!... no" Andrea managed to say. Ignazio looked at me as if I was going to do what she just had said. And I did, I lowered the gun but it was still in my hand

"Tell him to throw the gun to floor." Ignazio said to her. I frowned and looked at her. She nodded slightly and said "Do it." I sighed, denying what she was telling me but still did.

I threw the gun away, landing almost to the hall and very far from Ignazio and Andrea. He let her go and she fell to the floor. "That's how I like it." He said.

Andrea crawled to me fast as she tried to get air for her to breathe normally. I picked her up and opened the window to the balcony to let some air in. "Piero... i..."

"Don't say anything. You get some fresh air and calm down." I said as I cupped her face in my hands.

"No... Piero... I love you. I... I don't care if we die right now. I just want you to know that... I love you." She said as her breathing was now coming back.

"I love you Andrea. But don't think that. We will get out from here alive, I promise you." I said.

"Oh I don't think so." Ignazio said. We both turned to see him and he was pointing the gun at us. "If I don't have her, neither will you." With that said, he opened fire.

He hit me first in my shoulder. The impact of the bullet being so strong that I went backwards. Then the second shot was heard and Andrea came out the apartment with a shot in her stomach. I grabbed myself from the rail and stretched my good arm to get her.

She took my hand slowly and I pressed her against me. Ignazio came out and shot us again. This time, we both fell down the rail and the last thing I felt was a big impact in my back.

Hey guys! I'M SOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS STORY IN A LONG TIME!! I'm so sorry really. But I promise I'll be posting more. This story is almost finished so I'll be posting more to finish it. :3 VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Dun, dun, dun!!! I'm sorry I did that to both if them! (Not sorry) but don't worry ;)

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