Delusione e Confusione

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Andrea's POV:

I couldn't say why. I couldn't tell him or I was going to loose him forever. I loved him too, but that love could cause a lot of trouble.

"Tell me!" Piero scarm.

"I can't! Even if I wanted to tell you I just can't! Piero I'm really sorry but I must go." And without thinking once again, I left.

Piero's POV:

I was very confused. Why would she say that? Was she in trouble, or ... does she have a boyfriend that I don't know about? I saw her leave the balcony and disappeared in the crowd of dancing relatives. I stayed there for the rest of the night, still questioning what had happened. 

The time had passed and I heard Maria shouting "Piero!" I noticed she yelled my name in different directions.

"Over here!" I shouted. She heard me and came my way.

"Have you been here the whole time? And, have you seen Andrea?" Maria asked.

"Yes, and Andrea left a long time ago." I responded facing down.

"Did she say something to you? Oh! My gut was right! I didn't and don't like that girl since the moment I saw her!" I looked up amd moticed she was furious.


"Look, it's better for you to forget about her. I had this bad feeling of her whenever she even got in the car." Maria came closer and placed a hand in my shoulder. "Come on, it's better to go home."

She helped me up,  since I sat in the floor, and lead the way to the car. On the ride back, I saw her house. I felt disappointed and angry, all at the same time. That night was unforgettable for me after all. I got to kiss the girl I loved.


Hey guys! im super sorry I didnt update since like two or three months ago! :( im super sorry! college started nd I had no time to write more chapters.  I leave you with a short one though. while u read, ill be writing more chapters (this was the last chapter I had written for this story) VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Poor Piero! D: he didn't get the proper answer! but hey, he showed his love to Andrea. Tell me, did she had to be that mean to him? *I dont think so*

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