Migliori Amici Per Sempre

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Andrea's POV:

Gianluca, Destiny, Piero and I were waiting patiently for Ignazio to get home. We had talked to them and let them know if it was alright to welcome him back and they agreed. Ignazio's dad had gone to pick him up an hour ago and by now, he should be arriving.

"I see Dad's car! Everyone in position." Nina shouted and we turned off the lights and hid.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." Piero whispered as we both were hiding behind one of the sofas.

"Oh Piero. He's changed. It's not good to be holding grudges on people who once were your friends." I said and he only blinked.

"I guess your right on that." Piero said and smirked a bit. "Try and tell him what you told me earlier. You'll see that he has changed." I lastly said before we heard the front door open.

Ignazio's POV:

"Dad, I really don't want to eat anything." I whined since my dad was insisting for me to eat something.

"Oh alright. Hey. Can you go drop this in the living room for me?" My dad said and he struggled with the key in the door. I took the brown bag that he was handling me and went inside.

I left my backpack in the entrance table and walked towards the living room. I turned on the lights and heard "Surprise!" I jumped back as I didn't expect this at all.

"Oh my god! A surprise party?" I said a bit too shocked at what was going on.

"Yes. Welcome home big brother." Nina said and we hugged each other real tight. I had missed her through out this past years of not really seeing my family.

"Ignazio!" I looked up and noticed mom with tears in my eyes.

"Mama!" I shouted and turned to hug mom too. She was in tears at some point as I was hugging her very tight. I opened my eyes and saw that the entire room was decorated. And to mu surprise, my eyes landed on Andrea first.

I cut the hug short to give them my dad's bag and walked towards where Gianluca, Piero, Andrea and Destiny were. "Um. Hi guys." I said a bit shy.

"Hey. I'm glad your out." Gianluca said and we did our hand shake.

"How you've been big guy?" Destiny said, leaning towards me to greet me with a kiss. I was shocked at they gestures.

"Hi." Andrea said next. I turned to her and noticed how beautiful she looked. My eyes suddenly filled with tears as her gesture of politeness showed. I gave her a tight hug and said "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Leave that in the past and let's live the present as it's your second chance." She said and I sobbed as I tried my best to not cry like a baby.

"I-I'm really s-sorry. I-i didn't m-mean to hurt you. Please do forgive me." I stuttered in between my sobs.

"I have forgiven you. There's no need to be crying over something that is in the past. It's okay." She said as she started to rub my back to calm down.

I wiped away my tears and sniffed, nodding as an answer. I then looked next to her and saw Piero stand there a bit nervous. I sniffed one last time and swallowed as I knew I had so many things to tell him too. "Piero" I managed to say.

He looked up at me with wide eyes. "Hey." He said.

"I... I don't know why you're even here. I did most of the damage to you. I have no face to see you straight in the eyes. I feel so ashamed of myself." I said, looking down at me hands. I suddenly felt one hand fall in my shoulders. I looked up and saw Piero smirking.

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