Il Pericolo Ancora Sta Vagando

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*3 months later*

Andrea's POV:

Everything was back to normal. No more messages of threats had been sent to me, thank God. But I still had to figure out who this 'I.B' person was. I eventually gave up.  I had helped the guys get together and we were best friends once more. Ignazio stopped bullying Piero and Gianluca talked more with both of them. In choir class,  we decided to move to Destiny's table since Andrew had been caught blackmailing me by his dad. I heard that he was sent to a military school in England.  So my fear of seeing him again was gone so I finally felt safe. Well not that safe.

Piero and I got to know each other more, but we weren't going out yet. We both agreed to take it slow and just see what happens later on. But in some way we were together. I also became veey good friends with Maria after what happened back at the beach. We would go everywhere on the weekend, including Destiny, which I found out they already knew each other.

Christmas was around the corner. The streets were now decorated and everyone seemed stressed out to go buy presents. Even school work was pretty lean and easy, thanks to the holidays. We had a week left of school before going out for Christmas vacation,  and all we did was test. Except for my favorite class (choir), we had to rehearse Christmas songs for our "test". We were going to perform in an elderly asylum tomorrow night.

"Andrea, could we rehearse our song? I'm a bit nervous." Ignazio asked. We were let out early today and we had the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted. Yay!

"Sure! Let's meet after lunch ok. I have to go do some stuff with Destiny right now. You know what? Meet me in the food court in the mall that's across from the cathedral." I said.

"Okay sounds good. I'll see you then." Ignazio gabe me a hug and left. Him and I had been much closer than ever. He was now like a brother to me. 

"Andrea!" I heard my name. I turned and saw Piero.

"Piero! What's up?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over and have lunch at my house." He said excitedly.

"Oh! I'll love to but I have things to do with Destiny and later on Im meeting with Ingazio in the mall to go over the the song one more time." I said. I made a little sad face in apology.

"Aw! It's ok. Well tgen I'll let you go. Oh! And my parents say hi." He smiled understanding me.

"Say hi to them back. And tell Maria to get ready." I said.

"Ready for what?" He asked.

"She'll understand.  Don't worry about that. Well, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow Piero." I leaned in and hugged him.

"Bye Andrea." Piero said and kissed the top of my gloves. It was super cold that I actually had to use gloves. I headed towards my apartment and as I walked, I felt my purse vibrate. I opened it and found my cellphone,  I had received a message from an unknown number.

I stopped walking and thought on how could this be happening again if Andrew was away from everyone. I opened the message and it read:

'If you thought the messages were going to stop. You are so wrong. Go home. I have a little surprise for you. Don't worry,  nobody is going to get hurt. Love, I.B'

I wasn't that surprised.  I still knew I had another person threatening me. I literally ran to the apartment and for my surprise, I opened the door and found Destiny tied up in a chair.

"What in the world? Who did this?" I screamed and ran to untie her.

"You're not going to leave the aprtment anymore. You're in danger. Andrea, please listen to me!" Destiny said once I took off a scarf away from her mouth.

"Why? If tou know who it is tell me now. I could call the cops right now." I said, finishing untieying her.

"It's someone close to you. That's all I can say, but don't call the cops, you'll make him more angry. He threatened me. If I speak I would die. Andrea, I don't want to die nor I want you to get hurt." She was crying by now. I hugged her and sat her in the couch. I went to the kitchen and prepared her a tea for her to calm down.

'I.B He's someone close to me. Why could any of my close friends would want to hurt me? I mean, I've been pretty nice to them.'

I thought and thought. I took the tea out the microwave and room it to Destiny.

"Look, I can take care of myself Destiny, don't worry.  Plus," I got up and went to the desk in the corner of the room. I took out a pepper spray and showed it to her. "I have this and it would save me some time to get away. And we both know I'm a black belt in Kong Fu. So I'm not scared of that bastard."

I placed the pepper spray in my purse and continued "Are you sure you're going to be alright here by yourself? I have to go meet up with Nazio."

"No! I mean no. I'll go with you." She got up and went to her room. That was strange.


I got ready to meet up with Nazio. I texted him saying I was going to take Destiny because she didn't want to be alone. He replied it was ok. I knocked at her room and she came out. "Just... let's make this quick." She said.

"We're going over the song one more time. That'll be it." I said and smiled. She half smiled and came along with me. I placed a hand over her shoulder and said "Hey, don't get paranoid,  everything will be alright. If we finish fast, I'll tale you shopping. What you think?" She looked up at me and nodded with a little relaxing smile.

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update in like forever! I've been quite busy lately and it came to a point where I ran out of ideas for the story. But, here's a chapter. Hope yall like it and let me know by give me a VOTE, COMMENT and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: this story is about to end .. dont get sad yet because there's still a couple more chapters. Do yall want a second book? Let me know guys!

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