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*Choir class, 1 week later*

Piero's POV:

It's been a whole week since I last talked with Andrea. She's been getting along with Gianluca a lot lately. Even though we sat in the same table for Choir class, we still didn't talk.

"Ok class, this is going to be you first test grade of the year. But before I say anything, I need for everyone to get in groups of 4. Ok, let me see how many are you here... 6, 7, 8... 15, 16, 17...Ok we have 24 students so there has to be exactly 6 groups of four."

No one really moved so the teacher had to move those who were seated in a table by themselves or in two's. "Humm. Ok, Destiny and Andrew, move to this table over here with these two. And, Ignazio... you have a choice to go to that table over there next to... Or not! Go to the back table over there with them three, and Jessica you come over to this table." She clapped and smiled. 'Oh my! This is going to be a disaster.'

"Ok, now I'll pass out an envelope that contains up to five index cards. Just don't open them yet." She passed the envelopes and we waited for more instructions. "Listen guys!" she had to settle some people down since they were fighting to get the envelope. " Now, in those index cards are four different songs and one that says 'Choose'. You'll vote for a song in your group and let me know. Once that's done, go online and look up the lyrics of the song you chose and divide them so everyone of you can have a part to sing. You'll present on Wednesday, so you have two days to prepare yourselves. Any questions?"

Some girl raised her hand and shouted "Why do they get to have Gianluca in their team? That's not fair, they already got a good grade!"

"This is not a race nor competition in between groups ok. I'll give the rubrics tomorrow. Meanwhile do as I said a couple of minutes ago." Ignazio stood up and walked to our table, since it was the one the teacher pointed at for him to go over. I noticed Andrea had been looking at me, but I only glanced down to my book.

"Sup!" Ignazio came and threw his folder in the table. Took out some magazine, opened it, and put his feet on the table.

'You'd better help, cuz we aren't doing all the work." Andrea said, taking the magazine off his hands and pushing his feet off the table.

"Look!..." He paused and saw who he was talking too, "Ok, just give me my magazine back. I'll make no promises."

"Ok!" Gianluca clapped, "Let's get started." He took the envelope from the middle of the table and opened it. He later spread the cards and said "Now, let's see what we have here." We all scutted up to have a better view at the cards.

"Who's Big Time Rush?" I asked.

"Yeah, who are they?" Ignazio said. "I thought you knew everything Nerdy Pants. By the way, love the vest there."

"Ignazio, not today nor right now." Gianluca said. I remembered he always said that to him back when we were in the show.

"Well, they are from California. They have a hit Tv show also called like the band, and have actually gotten quite some awesome awards for their music. They're pretty good!" Andrea explained to us.

Andrea's POV:

I couldn't believe they didn't know anything about them, but I guess we weren't going to sing that song.

"Really? One direction.. 'They don't know about us' I've never heard that song, and I'll not wish to hear it." Ignazio had gotten another cards and had read it, now he had thrown it back to the middle.

"Well, there goes another one. We ave 3 more songs to chose from you guys." I said.

"Hey! Look, she actually put a good song here! Frank Sinatra 'Fly me to the moon'." Gianluca shouted and showed us the card.

"I don't like his music." Ignazio leaned to the table now, "Is there any Lady Gaga or something related to that?" We all turned to face him. "What?! All these songs are boring or I don't know who the singers are!"

"Just shut up and let us chose then." Piero said, still looking on his book. Next thing I saw was Ignazio slamming his hands on the table and standing up.

"What did you just say?"

 I stood up and said " Ignazio, just sit down ok." I turned to see Piero looking up now , and Gianluca had an amazed face.

"Don't touch me!" I had grabbed him by his arm. I immediately let go and he sat back down.

"Look, we all have to be nice to each other and get along, in order for us to get a good grade on this assignment ok." I sat down and took one of the two cards left. "Hey. Look, Andrea Bocelli 'Somos novios' You guys know him, I Know him. Let's sing this song, What you think?" I asked.

"Yes! Oh, we need to sing that song!" Gianluca shouted, very excited.

"It's too difficult." Ignazio said.

"Well, we could sing it, but two people sing this song, and it's going to be hard to separate the lyrics in four." Piero said, shrugging his shoulders.

"See! He also says it's difficult. Wow! I never thought I was going to say this but, I agree with smarty pants over here." Ignazio said.

"God! Really you guys! you're just so..... ugh!" I shouted in frustration. There was a long moment of silence, then, we all found each other staring at the last card left.


hey guys! sorry to update til now, but I had lots of things going on in both school and here at home. I hope you enjoy this chapter, oh and what do you think is going to happen next? Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD!   -Bridget 

P.s; A change in Ignazio's attitude is going to happen, AND I secrete will be revealed! (Next chapter) ;)

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