Tempo Dopo

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*5 days later*
Piero's POV:

"You really want to do that sweety?" Mom said. I was still in the hospital as the wound of the gunshots were slowly healing. I had been talking to police officers about the incident with Ignazio. They had told me that he was hold in jail for now, but I had a choice to do. Either I reported him and sent him to jail or I could just say that he did it because he was just too obsessed with Andrea.

"Mom, i know I'm doing the right thing." I said.

"Are you sure? What if he tries to kill you again?" She asked. I knew she was worried but that was my decision.

"Yes momma. And I don't think he'll want to do any more harm to me or Andrea." I turned to the police officer and said, "I will not report him, but I do want for him to get psychological therapy. It is the best for everyone."

"Kid, you are a good person. I hope you have done the right thing. Scusi." The officer said and left. I closed my eyes to rest a bit, knowing that in an hour or so, I would be able to see how Andrea truly is. I hadn't known anything about her for these days at the hospital and hope she is alright.

Andrea's POV:

I was glad Piero was alright as Destiny had been visiting him for the past few days. I had a fractured back and some broken chest bones as both the impact of the bullet and the fall were very harsh. I wouldn't be able to walk at least for the next two months but I could walk after that. Destiny got me ready to sit on the wheelchair that the nurse had brought. It was a pain in the butt to get down the bed, but it was worth it as I going to visit Piero upstairs.

She pushed me down the hall and into the elevator. "You know, i was scared to death when I heard the gunshots. I thought the worst but hey, look at you two now. Are you sure you don't have superpowers?" Destiny joked.

"No I do not. But what I think that kept me go through this was my worry of Piero getting killed by Ignazio." I said.

"Love sure can do a lot of things then. I wish I could find my other half too." Destiny said as we exit the elevator.

"You will, you'll see." I said and we arrived at Piero's door. She opened the door and pushed me inside. Piero's mom was there, I think she was falling asleep in her chair.

"Take me to his side." I whispered gently to her. She obeyed and stopped my chair by his bedside. I reached out to him and grabbed his hand. He moved a bit and opened his eyes, realizing I was visiting him.

"Amore. What are doing here? I thought I was the one to go to you." He said.

"I couldn't wait any longer. How are you?" I asked.

"Much better now. You don't look too good either. Destiny, take her back to her so she can have enough rest. You need rest too." He said to both of us.

"I'm fine. The doctors have me under strong painkillers." I said.

"That's what I told her but she insisted on coming." Destiny said.

"I could have gone Andrea. But now that I see that you're alright, I can die in peace." Piero said.

"Piero!? Don't say that ever!" I shouted and he laughed.

"I won't be able to leave this place if it wasn't with you." He said after laughing at his joke.

"Don't joke with that!" I said and chuckled.

"Knock knock!" I heard someone say.

"Gianluca! Where were you?" Destiny asked.

"The officer outside stopped me to answer some questions. Sorry, but I'm finally here!" Gianluca said.

"Gian." Piero said.

"What are you doing here Andrea? You're supposed to be in bed resting." Gian said.

"I told her that." Destiny said. Gian approached me now and gave me a kiss in my forehead then greeted Destiny.

"How are you feeling buddy?" He asked Piero.

"Much better now." He answered.

"Now that he's here, I can go. I feel so tired now." I said.

"Get enough rest amore." Piero said.

"I will. Bye Gian, goodbye Mrs. Barone." I said.

"Bye darling." She said and Destiny took me away and back to my room.

*2 years later*

"One more, come on." Piero said. His arm was wrapped around my shoulders as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Do I have to?" I whined.

"Yes. For me?" He said and tilted my head up to look at him. We were sitting on the beach admiring the view and making each other song a random song.

"Oh alright!" I said and stood up from the beach blanket. "Guess what song this is.
'I don't even need to go to the club no more. I just need you here with me on this floor...' "

"Talking about by that British guy! Ugh what's his name? Oh! Conor!" Piero shouted.

"You didn't even let me finish the sentence." I said.

"That's cuz I know the song." He said and got up from the blanket. He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I like this. Being here just you and me, having a nice and relaxing day." I said as I closed my eyes and leaned back in his chest.

"I do too amore." He said and kissed my head.

"Guys! Hey!" We heard someone shout and turned to see who it was. Gianluca and Destiny were standing in the parking lot waving their arms.

"Oh what do you want now?" Piero shouted.

"Guys we have to go! Come over here so I can tell you!" Gian shouted. Piero and I only looked at each other and immediately grabbed out stuff.

"What is it?" I asked as we both we approaching them.

"It's Ignazio. He's getting out from the mental hospital in a couple of hours. His mom called me to see if I wanted to go." Gian said.

"What? It's been so long we haven't heard of him." I said.

"A mental hospital? He's been locked up there?" Piero asked.

"Um, yeah, he has." Destiny said.

"You two knew about this and didn't tell us?" I asked.

"Well, we thought it was better of you forgot about him for a while." Gian said. I looked at Piero and he looked back at me puzzled.

"Well then. Let's go and greet him back." I said.

"Are you crazy? What if he decides to go psycho on us again?" Piero said.

I only chuckled a bit and said "He won't go psycho on us. Isn't that why he was there in the first place?"

"Well yeah."

"Then stop holding a grudge on him and let's go see him. Piero, it's been two years now. Can you leave it in the past?" I said. He only looked at me, feeling sorry about something.

"Mmm... I guess you're right. But I see he wants to do something suspicious to you, we'll leave immediately." Piero said and I nodded.

"Soo that's a yes? Yes, okay! Hop on and let's go get ready." Gianluca said. We all got on his forest green Jeep and drove back to him house to wash up and change to go and visit Ignazio for the first time after two years since the incident.

Hello my great ILVOLOVERS!? It's been soo long since I've been around y'all! I haven't forgotten about you at all! :3 Thanks for sticking by all this time! Keep VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SPREADING THE WORD! ~Bridget

P.s: So this is my second to last chapter! And yes this story is over but til the next chapter! So one more and I'm finished!

P.s.s: I've been working on a new Il Volo story.. but idk if I should publish it or not. Let me know if you'll be interested on reading it in the comments, PLEASE AND THANK YOU! ♡

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