Un Segreto Incalcolable

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Andrea's POV:

I felt like if Piero wanted to tell me something and what he told me was a lie. The first two classes of the day went by quick, even though I didn't pay much attention.

"Piero!" I ran through the people to go tell him what I suspected, but then I felt I stepped on something.

"Ouch!" I heard. I turned around and saw the guy that came in in the limo.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step on you. Um, you're..." I couldn't get my eyes out of his beautiful brown eyes. He smiled and said "It's ok. Yeah?"

"Gianluca right?"

"Yes. That's my name." He said, now with a cute little smirk in his face.

"Oh. Well sorry Gianluca. I'm kind of in a hurry, I'll see you around." I didn't bother looking back and say bye, so I just ran to where Piero was.

"Piero. I need to talk with you." He looked up at me, away from a book he was reading, with a scared face.

"W-what do you want to talk about?" He stuttered.

"Well, you said something that got my attention and left me thinking... You know how you said you didn't knew who Gianluca was...'

"Hey! You dropped this!" The guy I just stepped on came towards where I was standing.

"Huh? Oh, thanks." I said after he came. I took the book from his hands and I noticed he turned to see Piero.

"Hi Piero." he said.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's been a long time I haven't seen him though. By the way, it's Gianluca." He stretched his hand to shake mine.

"Yeah, I know that." I smiled and shacked his hand. I knew that!

"Wow! Look at that! The bell rang. We don't want to be late Andrea. C'mon." Piero said. I turned and looked at him speed walking to History class.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I don't know. Don't you know him better than I do?" Gianluca said.

"I just meet him two days ago. But lately, he's been acting all strange and awkward." I responded.

"Well that's strange. Are you going to History, you said?"

"Yeah, I actually have most of my classes with Piero, just not the first two." I said.

"Oh, well I'm going to history too. Why not walk together to class and we can tell each other a little bit about ourselves. What you think?" Gianluca suggested.

"Sure!" I put the book he had given me in my book bag and walked with him to class. On our way there, we asked like twenty, little, simple questions to each other about ourselves, like what was our favorite color, favorite food, etc. But the most important thing about meeting Gianluca was that he was an awesome guy, who didn't cared if he was famous or not, and had some classes with me!


 hey guys! Short and sweet, just to get something in. Thanks for reading again!! Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! - Bridget

P.s: Time will pass by and stuff will happen.. Muahahaha!! >;D

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