Sabato Mattina

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Piero's POV:

I woke up by Maria's screams coming from down the hall. I got up and went to check it. Once I got to the bathroom I found Maria standing on top of the toilet.

"What are you doing up there?" I asked, rubbing my eyes from underneath my glasses.

"Don't you see there's a roach over there!" She said, pointing to the bug next to the sink. I reached for the bug spray from the cabinet and sprayed it. The bug moved and Maria scram real loud. I squinted my eyes on her scream that I didn't even noticed when she got off and was now standing behind me.

"Maria, please! Shut up! There. You can shower now, but please hurry up." I said. I went back to my room and did my bed. I later took my suit out and placed it in the bed for later. I took a quick bath and went down for breakfast. Aster washing the dishes, I waited for my mom and Maria to come out so I could drive them to the mall.

Once in the mall, both immediately went straight to stores and at least bought one stuff. The disadvantage of me going with them was that I had to carry their bags. We later, went to a shoe store and I decided to stay outside. I placed the bags on the floor and I sat down in a bench.

"Piero!?" I heard someone yell. I turned and saw Gianluca and Andrea waving.

"Hi guys." I said.

"So how is shopping going?" Andrea asked.

"Good, for them." I said pointing at the bags around me and then tilting my head towards the store my mom and Maria had gone in. All three of us turned and saw my mom jumping up and down in the same place with a pair of shoes in her hands. I felt to embarrassed I could only managed to say "Yeahh, I don't know why we all saw that. Um, if you excuse me, I have to go get their new bags. I'll see you later Andrea."

I noticed she smiled and Gianluca wanted to laugh. Andrea pulled him and them both waved goodbye. I, now, took their bags and went back home for us to get ready for tonight.

Andrea's POV:

I looked at the mirror for the fifth time now. I had just finished choosing my shoes when my phone vibrated. I went to the night stand, where I had left it and saw I got a message from Piero.

'Hey. I'm on my way. I'll knock for you to come out ok?'

I replied 'Yeah, no worries. I'm ready anyways. :)' Once I finished, I placed the phone in my handbag and looked one last time at the mirror.

"You look good so please stop looking at yourself every ten seconds." Destiny said, peeking in the door.

"Thanks, but, are your sure you don't want to go out?" I asked. She shook her head and said "Na, I'm good. Anyways I'm going to watch some movies since Andrew is coming over."

"Oh ok." That really didn't surprise me. I heard the doorbell and grabbed my handbag. "We'll then, have fun watching movies. I'm out!"

"Have fun pretty lady!" I laughed and opened the door. Piero stood in the doorway with a smile in his face. He wore a black tuxedo with a black shirt. A red tie and... red Converse? I wanted to laugh so hard when I saw his shoes, that I just chuckled a bit.

"What?" He asked. I guess he knew why I was chuckling. I looked up and asked "Do you always have to be matching something with your glasses?"

"Maybe" he said. It sounded so hesitant so I just smiled. I noticed he placed his hand in his waist and said "May I take this lovely lady to her ride?" I laughed and placed my hand around his.

"You may, my driver" we both laughed and he took me to his car. Once inside the car Piero said "Mamma, Pappa, Maria, Francis this is Andrea. Andrea my family."

"Ciao Barone family. I'm pleased to meet you." I said, smiling at everyone. Everyone smiled back politely, except Maria, she rolled her eyes and turned to face out the window. I frowned in confusion and turned to see Piero. He only shrugged his shoulders and his face expression looked like one of a puppy.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating lately. I've been writing more chapters of this and my other story, plus I've been kind of thinking about some stuff for college :/ Anywhos, Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! - Bridget

P.s: sorry for the misspelling and I know it's kind of boring lol but I wanted to update for y'all. :)

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