Casa, dolce casa

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Piero's POV:

"Mamma! I'm home." I closed the door and left the keys on the little table by the entrance. I also left my sweater in the coat hanger and went straight to the kitchen.

"Piero! I didn't hear you come in. Oh my! What happened to your lip?" My mom said. she was finishing up her night snack.

"Oh, um, I fell. you know how clumsy I am mamma." I said. "I'm going to my room, I'm really tired."

"Piero, you want me to heat you something up so you can eat?"

"No mamma, grazie. I ate with my... friend?" I remembered how Andrea had told me I was her new friend back at the restaurant.

"Still, go wash up. I'll prepare you a lemonade so you can tell me about your new friend. Go." I turned and headed upstairs. I got to my room and dropped my backpack by my desk. I opened my drawer and grabbed some shorts and my favorite T-shirt. I took everything and went to take a quick shower, to relax a bit.


"So. What's your new friend's name?" Mom asked me, as I poured some lemonade to my glass, from the pitcher placed in the middle of the dining table.

"Her name is Andrea." I saw my mom's jaw drop.

"Your friend is a girl?! Oh honey, you should invite her over so I could meet her."

"What? Piero found a girlfriend? She should come over." Francis stepped in the dining room with a sandwich in his hand. "So, that means that you're first day as a college guy went great."

"Francis! Stop teasing your brother!" Mom frowned.

"What's her name?" Maria now came in. I turned and she gave me a hug from behind.

"Maria! You heard this too?" I asked her.

"Nop. I just came upstairs. it was a random thing to say." she said.

"Oh come on! Then tell me instead." Francis said.

"What? Are we talking about a girl for Piero?" Maria said, high fiving Francis as she passed by him to sit down.

'Guys! Please leave your brother alone..." mom turned to me and smiled, but then she turned back to the table and had a smirk in her face "... her name is Andrea." I turned to see my mom's face and scrammed "Mamma! Seriously?"

"Yes, really. Anyways, do you have her for any classes with her?" mamma asked.

"Yes, actually we have almost the same classes. I say almost cuz I have Science first and then English. She has English first then Science.' I explained. Everyone, after I finished answering all their questions, started talking about how their first day back to school went. I didn't say anything about what happened with my lip, then mom was going to worry and would probably do the same as she did two years ago with Ignazio. And I don't  want that to happen again, it will be more embarrassing this time.

After we finished with our chat, we said our goodbyes and went to our bedrooms. I finished my homework and took my laptop to my bed, grabbed my Beats , and started listening to music. I eventually got carried away that I ended up singing in front of my mirror with my hair brush.

Later that night, I turned on the TV and lowered the volume, to see if I could go to sleep. I changed it to any random channel and quickly fell asleep.


'Piero! don't do it! Please, don't do it!' I looked down at the street. I was standing a good 8 feet from the ground by the edge of a balcony.

'Piero, don't do it! Think on all the damage you'll cause to your family. Seeing you waste your life like that.' I knew it was a girl's voice, but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before.

'Please, I beg you!' There was a long pause and then she said again 'Piero, if you jump.. i'll jump too because I... I love you Piero.' I turned and I finally saw her face. It was her, but why did she say that to me?

'What did you say?' I asked. As I turned, I saw her coming towards me and grabbing me from my arms.

'Get off from there and get in here to explain.' I jumped back into the balcony floor and she immediately grabbed my hands tighter. Right before I got to say anything, she had leaned and I felt her lips upon mine. When we broke apart from the kiss, we smiled at each other, but soon the moment got ruined. He came in with a hand gun, which now pointed at both of us.

'She's mine! You... here... now!' He yelled to her.

'No! I love him and I will stay with him.' She shouted.

'Ok, so, since you are standing with him, I guess I'll do this.' Ignazio pulled the trigger and shot both of us, making us go backwards and falling off the balcony with the impact.

"Nooooooo!!" I yelled and panted for air.

"Piero! What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Maria came in my room, scared. I le out a big sigh and finally said "Yes Maria. It was just a bad dream."

"You haven't had any nightmares since you got bullied by that Ignazio guy." There was a long silence and then she asked "Is he going to the college as you? Did he do something to you?"

I chuckled and answered "No! What makes you say that?"

"Piero, I can see the little scar in your lip. Did you told a lie to mom?" I nodded, not resisting from saying another lie. I told her to keep it a secret after I finished telling her what happened. Once she left my room, I got out my bed and walked towards my window. I looked at the stars and the beautiful full moon and asked myself "Why did I dream that? Specially with her. I mean, I just meet Andrea."


BOOM! yup, that happened lol. thanks to all of you who are enjoying reading my story! I have received really good comments from the story, and I just LOVE THAT! Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD!!    -Bridget

P.s: can't wait to post the next chapter! you'll meet someone else! You'll be surprised ;)


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