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Ignazio's POV:

I got tired of the silence that I shouted "Now what?" everyone turned and looked towards me. I knew we were doomed.

"I-I have a song." Andrea said. She turned and took out a small notebook from her purse. She opened it to a page and place it In the middle of the table. Gianluca, nerdy pants (I really don't remember his name) and I leaned over and read it. After a while, the three of us looked up, not believing what we just read.

"So? Could we use it?" Andrea asked.

"You wrote this?" Piero said. She nodded.

"This is really good." Gianluca commented.

"No! It's freakin' awesome! We have to choose this song. You could teach us how it goes." I shouted. her cheeks turned red and she shrugged her arms a bit, she looked really cute when she did that. I shook my head on the thought of that.

"We need to tell the teacher, to see if we could sing it." Piero said.

"I'll go with you if you want." I said. Andrea and I got up and went to ask the teacher.

Gianluca's POV:

I was left with Piero. He went back to his reading, but I interrupted. "So tell me, since when do you know Andrea? Oh, and why did you stopped talking with her?" I said. He looked up and pushed his glasses up with his finger.

"She decided to be your friend now. Anyways, you make her happy." he said.

"No. I saw you talking with her when I first came. You two looked like really close friends. You pushed yourself out from the relationship, why?"

He took a long breath and said "I lied to her. She wouldn't like to be my friend anymore even if I tell her the truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"I told her I didn't know you. That I had no idea who you where, so I only said I knew your name because everyone was talking about you coming to this school."

"Hey, Piero. Look, I don't think she'll stop being your friend just because we know each other from 'Ti Lascio Una Canzone'. That was like from two years ago. Just tell her the truth. I mean, I don't see how she'll stop being your friend yet."

"But how? I'm not going to say 'Hey you know what? I lied to you, I know these two from a TV show your mom used to watch.' Um, no thanks."

'Well then, i'll tell her myself." I said. He looked at me like if I was crazy. "I'll tell her right now, whenever she comes back."

"Do what you want." Piero responded.

"I know you care, but you'll have to face your stuff sooner or later." I said.

"So she said yes!" Andrea said as she came closer to the table.

'So, how does it go?" Ignazio asked.

"Hold on!" She said. 'Hey, so how come you know Gianluca and Piero?" Andrea asked Ignazio. I turned to face Piero, which wasn't sure what to do next.

'Well, I know ... his name is Piero?.. Anyways, Piero, I know him since middle school, and Gianluca from a show called 'Ti Lascio Una Canzone'."

"Wait! So you were in it too? You know how to sing and real good?" She asked, amazed by hearing this.

"Yeah, ask these two, they were in it too. It was there where we actually meet." Ignazio said. Andrea's jaw dropped open from the news. She automatically turned to face Piero.

"You didn't tell me about this? How could you?" Andrea said to Piero.

"Andrea, he was going to..." I got interrupted.

"I was going to tell you, but you were much closer to Gianluca. I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I'll understand why you'll stop being my friend." His head looked down.

"Piero..." Andrea scudded over to Piero, "I won't stop being your friend just because of that. Nor I'm angry at you fro telling me lies. I knew there was something bothering you, like if you had to say something.' She leaned and gave him a hug. I knew Piero didn't expect that to happen.

'Yay! Friends, still ! Hey, the bell is about to ring, so you guys want to come over to my house and celebrate we are friends and talk about the project, what you think?" I shouted.

"We are not friends ok Crazy hair. But, i'll go over for the song stuff. I'm actually going to enjoy this assignment." Ignazio said.

"Ok." I wrote down my address on a piece of paper three times and gave it to them. "I'll be waiting."


hey guys! something short and sweet, just to update. I've been writing this story that's why I've been absent from actually posting. Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

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